
|Killjoy| "Thank you Shadow." He said walking forwards. He was happy to be going home. |Sky| "No! Not me!" She said. She turned to sniff out where her mother was. "Mom?" She called. |Fern| "Mom?" Sky called. Fern sighed. "I'm here Sky." She said, walking over to her. She licked her ear, and picked her up, following Killjoy. |Illusion| Illusion saw Killjoy walk forwards, so he went back to Lou. "Pick up your snakes!" He said, as he picked up the little wolf.
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Night Night watched Killjoy go and smiled. He was glad that his friend was an alpha now. He would be a good one too. Turning, Night trotted towards his camp with River by his side.
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Louvel | M | pup| Mentions: Illusion Louvel picked up his basket, and feeling quite tired. He let Illusion pick him up as he nodded a yes please. "Illusion...Can you wake me when we are at the top?" He whispered and with that he nodded off, his little jaws clamped tight to the basket of his snakes. (short sorry) Artemis | F | Omega| mentions: Opal & Gwendolyn Artemis lay down as soon as she reached a den bigger than she has ever had. She sleepily looked at Gwendolyn & Opal who was sitting on her head. She yawned and stretched before heading outside. She ripped some dry moss and put in her sleeping corner. Nearly half asleep, Artemis mumbled "I am going to have a nap wake me if there is any announcements..." With that she tumbled into the land of sleep. Opal| f | snowy owl | mentions: Artemis & Gwendlyon Opal smiled as she hitch hiked on a wolf called Gwendlyon who assuming Artemis was friendly with, was also Artemis's friend. As they got to the den, Artemis seemed tired. Opal had guessed right as her friend just curled up and slept. She hopped off the wolf's head and thanked her. Opal paused for a second and then added "I assume your Gwendolyn, Artemis friend, am I right?"

Gwendolyn-Omega-M:Opal and Artemis Gwendolyn watched as Artemis made a sleeping spot and curled up "Wake me if there is any announcements." She heard Artemis say. "I will" She felt the Opal hopped off her head and looked to Opal as she was thanked. "You're welcome." "I assume your Gwendolyn, Artemis friend, am I right?" The owl asked and she nodded. "Yes that is correct, and you must be Opal the owl Artemis said she helped and became friends with. It is a pleasure to meet you."

|Killjoy| Killjoy smiled. They were so close. He could just image the view from on top of the camp. He broke into a trot. His tail wagged, and his ears were perked. |Illusion| Illusion smiled gently at Lou. He saw Killjoy trot off. He sighe d. He's excited to be home. Illusion thought. He was not to excited to see the old camp. I'm sure it looks dead. He thought of when he was a pup. He stopped and closed his eyes. He could see it. The memories he worked so hard to bury. Illusion glared at Killjoy as he walked by to go see Illusions father. He heard his father greet Killjoy with warmth Illusion had never heard from his father. He walked off to go hunt. "Marbled, do you want to go hunt?" If Killjoy wanted to steal his father, Illusion could steal Killjoy's sister. He smirked as he lead Marbled out of the camp. "Killjoy can be so annoying sometimes!" Marbled huffed. They were sitting on the ridge. Just down the hill was the hunting grounds. There was a herd of deer, two small herds of elk, and a few stray turkeys running around. "Yeah, he can be." Illusion and Marbled looked at each other. They both smiled, met eyes and jumped up. Illusions tail was wagging what seemed like 100 miles per hour. Marbled playfully grabbed Illusion by the scruff. They rolled down the flower filled hill. At the bottom Illusion stood over Marbled. He smiled down at her. "I win!" He stepped off. Marbled bit him on the but as he turned and ran. She chased him around for a while. After some time they laid down and watched the elk. Killjoy was the only pup aloud to hunt the deer, and elk. At sunset Illusion woke up. Marbled had left for home. He smiled as he thought of her. He padded up the hill. A lone wolf grabbed him by the tail as he passed a bush. "Hey kid. Want help getting rid of The Great Western Pack? We'll make sure that you are the only one to survive." The lone wolf smirked. Illusion smiled. His smiled turned into a smirk as he thought of Killjoy hiding behind his father, tail tucked between his tail. "Yes!" Illusion said. "Cool. Meet you here tomorrow at sunset." The lone wolf walked away. Illusion felt like he was walking on clouds as he headed back. The next day Illusion met the lone wolf. He had brought thirteen other wovles with him.... Illusion's eyes snapped open as he heard a hawk call out. He sighed and walked forward. |Storming| Storming happily walked back to Sea. "Whats wrong?" He asked, watching her. "I'm fine." She snapped, and ducked into the den. Storming sighed. Sea had been acting weird. He growled and cursed himself for not knowing what was wrong. I got a feeling she's not going to tell me. He sighed and padded in after her.
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Dark Knight | M: anyone ( Im back! ) Dark Knight limped through the dark woods his front left paw had been cut badly by a alligator he encountered, his nose had wounds from a patch of prickly bushes. Knight felt like he couldn't move as his legs gave out of exhaustion he let out a long and painful howl to anyone near.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya heard Dark Knight's howl and emerged from her resting place to go and look for him. She eventually found him after tumbling her way through the area half asleep. "Knight!" She said as she saw him and ran up to him and helped up. "Are you okay? You're bleeding." She whimpered and looked at his paw, feeling bad for it and started to whine. She started to get more anxious then before of how she couldn't heal him properly.

Dark Knight "Seya I missed you, I'm ok I just had a run in with some animals" He said sheepishly "and a prickle bush" he licked her snout in greeting.

(Welcome back! Let's get this RP back up and running!) Shadow Shadow stalked through the woods, seeing Killjoy going into a trot as they started into the territory. Night fell back slightly before nudging Killjoy, "I'm going to go now. My pack needs me, and I'm sure you want to discover your camp yourself. Good luck my friend, and I will see you soon at the Moonlight gathering." He said before turning towards the mountains.
Shadow flicked his ears before moving beside him, "If you need me, I'm at the bottom of the mountain." Shadow said quietly to him before moving off towards the trail. He heard, "Good luck Shadow," from Night before he padded down the trail, ready to go home to his mate, pups and pack.
Frost Icicle was once again sleeping with the pups. Honestly, she was insufferable enough but at least she wasn't talking. Flicking his ears, he jumped to a close branch before tree jumping. The height made it fun as if he was going to fall but wasn't. He moved through the trees before bounding down the trunk so that he could cross the town. Scurrying through the streets, he soon came to the other side and after looking carefully, he crossed the road. It smelled like smoke over here.
Inspecting the damage to the trees, he did a wide perimeter before finding a fallen tree near the cave. It covered the opening and Frost managed to squeeze underneath of it into the tunnel. Going down into the cave, he found it mostly unharmed, the vines all burnt away and a couple herbs were smoking. Other than that, everything looked alright. We could move the pups and Lean in here for a while until the pups are old enough to learn how to hunt. Frost thought to himself, squeezing back out of the cave. Bounding up the ridge, he looked into the dark woods on the other side, used to be bear territory before the fire.
Frost was about to head back when he heard a quiet painful howl come from the woods. Flicking his ears in a wide circle, he jumped down before slinking carefully into the woods. Jumping over logs, he finally came to a small clearing where it smelled like that rogue that had been with Seya. Turning in a full circle, he spotted the wolf laying down at the edge. Bounding over, he sniffed the wolf before saying in disdainful voice, "Well, you could be better." Seya ran out just then and he melted into the shadows before jumping onto her back, after recognizing her scent. Edited at September 10, 2021 08:19 PM by Fangsoffire
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled a little but shook her head. "I missed you too, but if you're going to leave and come back injured then I'm not going to let you leave me again." She said and sat next to him. "I don't want you hurt.." She lowered her head down. It makes me feel bad. She thought before she looked up at him again. "So, stop getting hurt!" She pawed his side gently with her two front paws. Her tail curled up to rest alongside her. She squeaked when she felt something jump on her but turned her head to see Frost and she smiled. "Hello!" She greeted him. "What are you doing here?" Edited at September 10, 2021 08:24 PM by Dragonpipe