
|Brecken| Brecken dove behind a tree, intruding a pair of wolves. (Saya and Knight) "Oops.. sorry." He said, "I'll be gone soon, I just need to hide from that deer!" |Killjoy| Killjoy skidded to a stop right in front of Brecken. "Brecken." He growled. He saw something at the corner of his eye. "Saya?!" He said, taken aback.
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Artemis Artemis sat down heavily by the water. She looked at the water and saw her face. She knew get back to the pack clearing but her paws would not carry her. Her hazel eyes blinked away tiny droplets of forming tears. Artemis just sat there thinking. Thinking about her dead pups. Thinking about whether to go to the mountains. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. That is all she did as she sat beside the water. She began to long for her friend, Gwendolyn but alas her paws would not move. She just sat there her muzzle almost touching the water.

Gwendolyn -omega- m:Illusion and Artemis "well then do you want to walk with me?" She heard illusion ask and nodded raising her head to look at him. "Alright may we go check on my friend Artemis while we walk..?" She asked shyly. (Sorry short)

|Illusion| "Of course!" Illusion said happily. "I'd be very happy if she joined!" He said, sitting up. "Lets go find her!" He said, trotting through the trees He smiled. (oof... short too<.<)
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Gwendolyn -omega-m:Illusion "of course! Id be happy if she joined! Lets go find her." Gwendolyn heard him say and smiled as her tail wagged and she stood up. "Thank you!" She looked ij the direction she had caught Artemis scent from and began to head in that direction."

(I have to leave WP for a while, I'll be back though :( Dark Knight knight looked at Seya, "I love you but I have to go for a while" he looks at her sadly "I'll be back every now and then, but I still love you" he stands up licks her mouth, and just stands there not wanting to leave.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at him and smiled. "Please come back safely." She said and nuzzled his chest before letting him leave. "I love you, Knight." She bowed her head to him before turning around and walked away once he was gone. She walked around until she met up with Yang and thought it was confusing seeing a wolf covered in snake so she walked up to him and talked with him. She was scared of the snakes, mostly from knowing what they are saying, and smiled when the other wolf seemed talkative. She didn't know that he was her brother yet.

Knight Knight bowed sadly back to Seya "stay safe, don't get hurt while I'm gone" he turned around and disappeared in the unknown.

Artemis | female | wolf | m: Illusion & Gwendolyn soon ! Artemis stared at the reflection and winced at the water forming in her eyes. Her mind just couldn't get rid of the thouhh of her precious dead pups. Her mind needed a support but all Artemis seemed to do is push it away. She couldn't get up but she knew she would be alright...

|Storming| Male| Lone Wolf| Storming slunk past the trees, unnoticed by everything. He saw a wolf sitting alone. He walked over to her, and nudged her shoulder. His way of asking if she was okay. He sat down a few feet away from the crying wolf (Artemis). |Sea| Female| Lone Wolf| Sea trotted around the forest. She was panting from her run. Where did Stormy go? She thought, carrying two rabbits. She broke into a small jog, outrunning hare that was running at full speed. She came around a tree to their den. It was under a huge tree stump, and there was enough room for at least five wolves with a ton of space. Sea and Storming had dug it out two years ago. Since they each wanted their own space they went to see what the humans dens looked like. There they saw the walls separating things, so thats how they dug out their den. "Where is he?" She snapped, getting impatient.
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