
Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed even more when he snuggled into her fur. She smiled and licked his ears. "Is it me?" She asked as she licked his head with a smile. Grooming him was something she would do from now on. It made him clean and made her feel better.

Dark Knight "who else would it be?" he asks Seya "the deer carcass" he laughed and licked her tail that was wagging his started to wag a little too. he felt a small pain in his ear, he had almost forgotten that it was gone, he tried to flick his ear, a thing he normally does but the stub wouldn't move.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya laughed. "Maybe." She pressed her nose against his and smiled. She snuggled into his fur and sighed happily. She licked his ears to try and stop the pain but she didn't know what else to do. She whimpered seeing him in pain.

|Killjoy| "We should leave soon Glaicer." He said. He heard a noise. "Go back to camp without me." He said, and turned and slunk away. He slid past the trees, and pounced. He landed on a deer. "Sorry." He said, and jumped off. He saw something in thre bushes. Brecken?! |Brecken| Brecken saw the deer. He jumped out and barked. The huge buck turned towards him. Breckens eyes go wide, and his tail went between his legs and he turned and ran. He ran past two wolves sleeping. "Killjoy! Killjoy! Help me!" He yelled as Killjoy set after them. "Brecken!" Killjoy yelled. "I'm going to kill you!"
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Opal Opal had a lengthy and slightly friendly conversation with Opal. She knew her name and who she was and a couple of ither things. She noticed the time flying past and squawked "I better be going thanks for you help she- wolf I meant...A-Artemis" With that she spread out her wings but when she up and flying. She felt a pang for her longing to meet her friends was desperate. She saw a wolf (Killyjoy) on her way to a clearing and swiftly skimmed its head. She screeched with laughter when she landed in the middle of the clearing. She looked around and tried to see if any of her friends or wolves or creatures she knew. It was getting awkward back there with.. Artemis but she still felt sad and had the longing to go back and apologize for leaving. She didn't look or go back to Artemis but looked around for anyone she recognized. Artemis Artemis had asked many questions and only got a few answers. She wondered why some questions were skipped however she assumed it was because they had just met a few minutes ago. She talked about random things and Opal seemed too enjoy a little of acting whether Artemis had never act Editing Edited at June 8, 2021 04:49 PM by Pastry Lord

|Illusion| Illusion saw Gwendoyln walk away. "I'll be back Lou." He said, and went after her. "Gwendoyln, are you okay?" He asked, worried. "I saw you go off and... and.. I did not want anything bad to happen to you."
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Glacier -alpha-m:killjoy Glacier looked to Killjoy. "We should move soon. Go back to the camp without me" she nodded at him and watched hum slink off into the bushes. She stood and headed back to where her pack had camped. Gwendolyn-omega-m:illusion Gwendolyn jumped slightly having not heard illusion follow her. "Gwendolyn are you okay. I saw you walk away and didn't want anything to happen to you" she gave a small blush and looked down kicking a rock. "Yea I'm alright...just kinda lonely I guess.."

|Illusion| "Then do you want to walk with me?" He asked, sitting down. His brown brindled fur blew in the wind. (oof... short <.<)
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Dark Knight Knight put his paw on Seya's muzzle "I'll be ok Seya, you don't have to worry," he looks into Seya's eyes and looked at her face it had a mix of love and worry. he licked her cheeks and nuzzled her fur "I'll be ok" he repeats himself

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at him and smiled. "Okay." She said and licked his head with a smile. She was still worried about him but she trusted him. "I love you, my sweet Knight." She smiled and nuzzled his shoulders with her nose since he was nuzzling her fur.