
Bolt - Male - Falcon - Mentions: Artemis, Opal Bolt watched as the wolf offered her head to the owl. He screeched loudly as he dropped his sparrow onto the soon to be burning grass. He was still about 100 feet above the ground, and the fire was almost to the grass. Was the small sparrow worth it? he thought to himself. The fire crackled closer to the grass, and the sparrow. If he let it go, he probably wouldn't have the time to hunt again after the day turned to night. Then he would have to go to bed hungry and be absolutely miserable the next day. He circles around a tree, still making his descision.

|Killjoy| "Okay." He laided down on his back, and rolled over. His paws were in the air and he was looking at the clouds. His fur was gently blowing in the wind. He closed his eye and thought about where they would be living.
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Dark Knight Dark Knight lied down being as still as possible, he could feel Seya's warm breath on his fur he curled his paws around her a fell soundly to sleep. - Calli Calli heard Lou call for her. she picked up her badger carcass and ran to his voice when she found him she jumped with joy and dropped the carcass by her brother's paws "Lou! it's so good to see you again!" she nuzzled her brother's fur and licked his ear "you can eat the rest," she looks down at the dead badger "I've already eaten half, a lot more than usual." She gives Lou a small smile.

|Marbled| Marbled wandered around. She wanted to be helpful, but she did not know what to do. She found Brecken curled up in the sun. She sighed. That was her only thing to do, so she laid next to him. |Brecken| Brecken was in a deep sleep, dreaming about the ocean, when Marbled jolted him awake. "Hey! I was sleeping." Marbled just licked his ear and turned over. Brecken started to lick her ear so then went back to sleep. |Sky| Sky stalked the unknown animal. It was small, much smaller then her, and it made chirping noises. This animal is quite loud. She noted as it was jumping around in the leaves. |Fern| Fern was watching Sky hunt a tiny bird. She smiled. Maybe her blind daughter was much better then she thought.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled and then stretched again and felt Dark Knight fall asleep and curled up on top of him. She was smiling as she was happy with him and felt her tail wag faster. She closed her eyes slowly as she waited for sleep to drag her down until she fell asleep.

Dark Knight Knight felt Seya's tail batter on his stomach as he slept. He opened his eyes and looked at Seya resting so peacefully on him "I love you" he whispers "I hope you know that" he closes his eyes but doesn't fall asleep. previous dreams keep him awake wondering if his sister really still is alive.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya breathed in his scent as she heard him whisper. "I love you too." She said and then licked his ears in her sleep. "I will always love you." She yawned and nuzzled into his soft, comfy fur. Her tail curled up around his while she slept.

|Killjoy| Killjoy got up and wandered around the forest to a stream. He sat down next to it. He felt the sudden urge to howl. He stood up, put his nose in the air, and howled. It was a big, long, sad howl. The birds flew out of the tree, and flapped away. He sighed, and stared at himself in the river.
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Opal Opal didn't know the she-wolf in person or as we should say in cresture..But she knew she could help her stop burning " Ok Wolf The name is Opal and don't get used to me needing you help ..a lot of creatures do..." She twittered and cautiously hopped onto the wolf's head and dug in her claws slightly. When they had reached the river Opal dived in and washed herself clean. Suddenly her ear holes heard a howl of a wolf very near by..Opal froze as it echoed in the canopy of the trees. Opal talked to the wolf about many things. Artemis Artemis flinched as the owl hopped onto her head and dug in her claws slightly almost to remind Artemis who was boss. She tried not to laugh half nervously half disbelief at the rudeness of the owl who was now Opal. As the reached the river the owl dived into the water and flew out and looked at her. She placed her burning muzzle into the clear cool water and instantly sighed out of relief. She saw in the reflection she had a burn mark on her muzzle which funnily was in the shape of a talon. She winced as she pulled out the water. Hearing the howl of a wolf she thought was Killjoy's howl. She shuddered for some strange unknown reason "So who are you? And why are you here? " Opal's reply was slightly shocked and slightly annoyed. "Who am I?! I am Opal I hear and sees everything and why I am here?! That is not for you to know.. "

Louvel "Cali! I didn't know where you were! Thanks for the Badger,you did well to catch it." He said,calmly then added excitedly "Did you hear that I caught a pit viper! Also How did you catch the badger?" His tail was wagging with joy and his little head pressed into his sister's fluff. He smiled back at her and looked at her with his smily eyes.