
Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang laughed at this. "He- he fell in love with her even though he knew she loved someone else?" He laughed again and the snakes hissed a laugh. "If he was smart enough for her to fall for him, he should have realized the possibility of her loving someone else." He flicked his tail with a smirk. He knew his sister was smart and if she fell for someone else, it meant that he wasn't someone she trusted that much. Unless she did trust him and then that made Yang confused.

Glacier-Alpha-M:Yang Glacier blinked at his reaction a moment and then said. "Seya trusts Killjoy he was one of the first people I saw that she trusted and liked. But with this move and how busy we have all been another wolf grasped at her attention and then she fell for that one also. I don't think I have ever seen killjoy like someone as much as he likes Seya."

Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked at Killjoy and sighed. He then turned back to Glacier with a stern look on his face. "Look, she trusts him, so what? If she fell for both of them, wouldn't they have to eventually fight each other for her heart?" He asked and then blinked. "It makes no sense for me if they both become her mate, and it wouldn't be fair for the other if she had pups with one of them and not the other." He sat down and flicked his right ear. The snakes slithered around his back as he talked. Two of the snakes hung down from his tail and licked the ground a little.

Dark Knight Knight dreamt that his sister was still alive, he imagined them sitting in the woods together in his dream he looked around Seya and everyone else he knew was nowhere in sight. Knight woke gently trying to keep Seya asleep If my sister were alive... he thinks to himself I never would have met Seya he licked her ears and put his head on his paws but not falling back asleep he kept his eyes open staring out the cave

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya murmured awake and looked at Dark Knight with a smile. She licked his cheek with a smile. "Knight? Are you okay?" She asked as she stretched and then nuzzled his side. "I'm here, so don't worry." She smiled and then pawed his back gently. "How do you feel?"

Glacier-alpha-M"Yang Glacier sighed softly she knew she wasn't the best at explaining things but shook her head to try explain his response. "No it's not like that Killjoy backed down even though he still likes her a lot. His only concern is that Seya is happy and as long as this other male makes her happy he is okay with that."

Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang hummed as the snakes squirmed around his body. "So then why is he so worried about her? If she has that other male, then he should no longer worry about her." He flicked his tail and ears at a random thought. "So weird."

Shadow Shadow blinked at this before letting out a sigh. This wolf pack was so complicated. Yang however, was a total different problem. Shadow got up before letting out a small hiss bark before walking into the forest. Hopefully there was something to eat while they figured that out.
Icicle had just finished the snake trap when a hiss bark rang out. Bounding through the trees, she looked down before hearing the conversation. She blinked before jumping down to land on Yang's back. "Whatcha doing?" She yipped before seeing the snakes looking at her scared. She let out a small hiss, Bite me and I will eat you. Be nice and I will not. The snakes seemed to nod before burying themselves back in Yang's fur. Snakes are so weird, she thought to herself before looking back at Yang.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang flinched when he felt a weight on his back and a hiss from the constrictor on his head. He turned his head to see Icicle and sighed. "Nothing that important, little fox." He said and blinked. "What are you doing?" He asked the female. Feeling a slight pain around his leg, he growled a warning to a snake that was curling around his leg a little too tightly and it fell onto the ground; startled.

Icicle Icicle chuckled as a snake fell to the ground before jumping down, "Just making sure your not getting into any fights with the locals." She yipped before jumping onto a low branch. She curled her tail around her paws, "You really need to learn how to talk snake if they are going to be on you." She said, looking disdainfully at the snakes.
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