
Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya flinched when he licked her mouth but relaxed slowly and smiled. "Good night, dear Knight." She licked the top of his head gently before curling up around him and moved her head to be below his. A pillow for his head. "Sweet dreams." She whispered.

(almost at 200 pages :D) Dark Knight Knight dreamt of his life of a pup he frolicked around with his twin sister in the meadow when he looked behind him there was a fire rising up he remembered running and his sister getting left behind Knight awoke sweating and heaving heavily he looked around Seya was next to him he quickly tried to stop heaving trying not to show his fear he looked out the cave it was day time now

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya woke up from the sound of Dark Knight waking up and looked at him. Seeing him like this made her scared. "Hey, hey.." She whispered softly, doing her best to stay calm. "It's okay. I'm here, I'm here. Don't worry." She rested her head against his gently. "You're safe now." She smiled at him. Please calm down. I can't do anything to help you if you start panicking because then I'll panic and no one will like that. She thought as she felt her head spin from her emotions.

Dark Knight Knight looked back to Seya calming down a bit "it's just..." he starts "when i was little there was a fire a-and i left my t-t-twin sister b-behind on accident" he whimpers "she's gone now and its my fault" (Night is actually his twin she escaped)

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya licked his head as she hushed him gently. "It's okay." She said. "I'm sure she's still alive. If she's anything like you, she won't let a little fire take her out." She smiled and lowered her head a little. "I miss my sibling too, you know. He was just like you; always so kind and nice.. He did everything for me." She laughed a little even though the memories made her want to cry. "God, I miss him." She looked back at him. "But I have you now. We have each other, so there's no need to cry." She said and nuzzled his neck fur.

Blackwidow said: Gwendolyn-omega-M: Artemis Gwendolyn looked to Artemis as she listened to what Artemis said. She could tell she really wanted to check on the grave but knew the ground would still be warm for how bad the fire had been. She got an idea and looked to Artemis. "I say we ask Glacier if it is alright to check on your pups graves but I might wait a day or two, that way all the embers and warm spots aren't a threat anymore. Also by then we'll be in the new pack and I'm sure Glacier would let us travel back to see the graves and return home."
Artemis "Ok..But I don't think Glacier would understand.....I don't want to tell her and I don't really want to distruct the journey..." She whispered her hazel eyes were sad then she added " Let's tell Glacier and I will go on my own to the graves I can catch up I know the way.." her head looked over at her friend she'll understand...The alpha will understand the loss of pups how it tugs at you heartstring for days and days Hopefully she will let me go Artemis thought thoughtfully Louvel Louvel awoke and saw the black boa constrictor on the wolf "beautiful" snake friend" he murmured and winced and added "Thanks". He looked at illusion and sat up straight and peered into the basket. "Where do you get pythons and boa constrictors? He asked cheekily but seriously. Pain was searing through his shoulder and he felt sick and dizzy. He lay down again with a thud. (Sorry if I am not up to date you people have written lots Lmao) Edited at May 27, 2021 11:40 AM by Deadlywolf

Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked at Louvel and smiled. "Make sure you rest awhile." He said and then sniffed the air. "Also, pythons and boa constrictors follow me around so.. Anywhere?" He hummed. "The pain will go away in about a day, but you'll limp for at least a few weeks. It's not as bad as what I went through, so you'll be fine."

Dark Knight Knight nuzzles into Seya's fur like a pup "I love you" he says before dozing off again (short)

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed and looked at him. She smiled and whispered, "I love you too." She licked his cheek and looked around them with a happy sigh. "I love you so much, Knight." She stretched and yawned before looking at him, blushing, and then falling asleep next to him once more.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed and looked at him. She smiled and whispered, "I love you too." She licked his cheek and looked around them with a happy sigh. "I love you so much, Knight." She stretched and yawned before looking at him, blushing, and then falling asleep next to him once more.