
Frost Frost cocked his head, that was weird. Usually a snake was simply a snake. Especially when it ended up in his belly. Although, foxes were much better use for dropping on animals. Frost relaxed his neck for a moment before shaking his fur off. "Any snakes that are not constrictors? Better to have biting ones." Frost asked, looking at the snakes in the wolf's fur.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang nodded. "There are plenty of snakes and different ways they attack." He said, remembering what his other told him when he was young. "There are constrictors like the black snake that clung to your neck. There are also snakes that use venom to attack and ones that have no venom but still cause a strikingly large amount of pain." He blinked, surprised at how much he knew. "Of course, there are plenty of snakes that do not want to harm you, mostly the green ones you find in fields, and some snakes go after other snakes to eat." He looked at the ground. "My mother's snake was one of those snake eaters."

Frost Frost blinked, he hadn't asked for the information on snakes. He could have asked a snake if he needed it. "Um...thank you for that unneeded explanation but I asked the simple question of where?" Frost said cocking his head annoyed. He could feel Shadow chuckle underneath him but it was Frost being Frost. Jumping off Shadow's back, he went to the den to get the snakes.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang sighed. "Well, it wasn't just for you to hear." He said and then shook his head. This fox is more annoying than the last one. He thought and then felt the black constrictor snake slither up to his head and hissed into his ear. He flicked the ear and tilted his head. He didn't understand what the snake was saying. The snake tried telling him that the information was very helpful, but he had no idea what she had said. Yang laid down with another sigh. "How do you deal with these foxes?" He asked Shadow. The other snakes in his fur buried deeper into his fur and nestled in his soft thin layer of fur that covered his skin that was below his thicker fur.

Shadow Shadow chuckled, "I don't 'deal' with them, they are part of my pack. They are really good protectors of the pack even if they can be a bit annoying sometimes." "I heard that!" Frost called from the den. Shadow just rolled his eyes, "Usually we just ignore them when they start getting mischievous." He said, watching the snakes bury deeper into the wolf's fur.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* "Y'know, I think those foxes are lucky," Yang said. "For one, they get to know a whole bunch of languages, and they get to be protected by a wolf of all things." He hummed. "Which is pretty weird to me, but I don't know anymore." He moved his tail to cover his paws. "If that fox is having difficulties, I could just go to my den and grab the bigger snakes." He mumbled to himself, turning to watch Frost. The constrictor snake lapped the air again, staring at Shadow.

Shadow Shadow flicked his ears, "Protected by a wolf? I'm guessing Icicle didn't tell you then. The foxes mostly protect me and I help to protect them back. It's been like that for years." He said before looking over at the den. Frost came out holding two snakes in his jaws, the snakes were trying to turn around and bite him but was failing. Frost threw them up where a fox caught them. Thorn who was above them, dropped the fox into a net before catching another snake thrown up to her. "The foxes usually can take care of themselves though." Shadow said, flicking his ears again.
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Dark Knight Knight licked Seya's head and breathed in her scent he then licked her ears, then snout. he cuddled up against her lightly falling asleep - Calli Calli walked back across the road to the burnt woods she walked through the ashen ground to her play rock she tried to slip in to the small hole she goes in but she couldn't fit she had gotten bigger than she once was

Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked at him and flicked his ear. "I can see that." He said and then flinched when one of the snakes nestled a bit too far and he pulled it out and set the small snake next to him and saw it curl around his leg. He sighed and turned his attention back to Shadow. "I heard that there was a forest that burned down not once but twice." He said. "Mind telling me if that was the forest you came from? You smell of smoke and soot." He said and lowered his head. "Was my sister with you the last fire?" He flicked his ears again, listening to the sounds around him.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed and felt her heart beat faster, her tail curled around his as she licked his ears and head with a smile. She giggled and nuzzled his side with her nose. She smiled and looked at him. You're amazing, Knight. You mean so much to me. I hope you know.