
Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at her paws and mentally screamed as her ears fell back from her blush. "N-nothing that important." She stuttered. She looked at him and gulped. "Just.. Normal girl talk." She laughed a little. "W-why do you ask?" She asked, shaking a small bit.

Dark Knight Knight looked at her confused he had only asked her a simple question and what does 'normal girl talk' mean? he decided not to question her "she just seemed to giggle a lot," he says "but she is a pup so it makes sense" he saw Calli far away that he could only see her outline she was walking deeper into the unknown area of woods.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya inhaled and walked closer to him. Sitting close to him, she whispered, "that pup asked me if we were going to get pups." She looked at her paws and mumbled something else but that was inaudible to hear. She looked at him and blinked. Please don't hate me for it. She thought and let out a quiet whimper.

Dark Knight Knight didn't know what to feel about this, he felt many emotions, Happiness, fear, love, but none of the emotions were hate or anger, he didn't know what to say to Seya so he said, "what did you say?" after he says it, he doesn't feel like he wants to know but he looks at Seya curiously.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* "I didn't say anything," Seya said. "I mean.. I didn't think you wanted them, but.. I did say that I wouldn't mind having pups." She mumbled. She blinked and then felt her heart pound in her chest. "I-I didn't know what to say since she was a pup and probably didn't know what she was saying and-" she stopped herself as all she could hear was her heart now.

Dark Knight "Hey, hey calm down," he says to Seya gently "It's ok, I don't mind" Knight smiles at Seya calmingly he picks a flower near them and gives it to Seya, he knows she likes flowers and that they calm her down. he can see Seya's heart thumping in her chest

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at him and then at the flower and smiled. She gently moved the flower close to her and then lifted it up and placed it on his ear. She smiled and licked his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered and then nuzzled his chest. She felt her heart slow down a few paces, but it was still racing as he was so close to her. She didn't mind, though. Breathing in his scent, being close to him to do it, was worth it.

Gwendolyn-omega-M: anyone Gwendolyn noticed the pack wasn't moving right now so she found a spot in the shade to lay. She watched the other wolves mingle waiting for Killjoy to return to finish leading them to their new camp. Glacier-alpha-M:pack Glacier checked on the members of the pack while awaiting for Killjoy to return from his small hunt. Once seeing everyone safe she sat to lick at her paws. Her paws hurt from rushing around the burning forest but not too terribly bad.

Dark Knight Knight felt Seya up against him he felt her heartbeat slow. He smelt her scent still of flowers and he says to her "I wouldn't mind either, but let's wait a little longer, we just started this relationship, we don't know where it will go" then he smiles back at Seya.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled and nodded. "Fine with me." She said and felt her ears fall back as her heart wouldn't stop beating as fast as it does now. She sniffed the air and then leaned into Dark Knight's side with a happy, relaxed sigh. This feels like a dream. She thought, and I do not want to wake from it.