
Shadow Shadow chuckled at him, "So your mother was a snake whisperer eh? Sounds like my foxes." He sat down before stretching. "Anyhow, I have eaten snake most of my life so I know I can handle it." He said, sitting back down before he watched Frost bound away into the foliage. "But for your case, I don't eat snakes until it's last resource and the foxes have better purposes for them."
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* "I suppose so." He said and sat down. The few snakes curled around his limbs and back and nestled into his fur. "I guess my mother's snake charming powers rubbed off on me." He said and motioned to her one snake that lapped up the air, tasting it. "My mom could make hundreds of snakes bow to her, though my father thought it was stupid." He grumbled. "And thank you for not eating the snakes. My mother's soul is probably happy." He said. "Actually, she's most likely amazed. You protected my sister and are helping her? I don't think you're all that bad, mister Shadow." He said and gave him a smile. "So.. What are the foxes using the snakes for?" He asked. "I miss that little black noodle." He mumbled.

Calli Calli looked toward Seya and whispered to her "you have a mate" she says giggling she looks to Knight and giggles again "are you guys gonna have pups?" she says all giggly she is too young to know that not all wolf pairs have pups.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed and looked at Dark Knight. The idea of having pups with him made her both happy and flustered. A troubling swarm of emotions came afterward. "W-well I wouldn't say that we're mates." She said and looked back at Calli. She placed the flower on Calli's head and smiled. "But I wouldn't mind if we do." She said and giggled quietly.

Shadow Shadow looked over at him before replying, "They are going to drop them on the bears in this territory. The bears are always nasty this time of year and I would rather not have them near my pack. Not only is there Seya, but there is also two batches of pups and an elder who can not see." He flicked his ears before saying, "And your not too bad yourself there Yang."
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang let out a laugh. He looked at Shadow and smiled. "I was originally going to yell at you, but now I honestly don't see why. I'm glad that my sister has someone she can trust." He smiled sadly. "God when was the last time someone wanted to protect her?" He hummed. "Oh. It was mother's snake. Gosh, that thing was terrifying." He shivered a little. "But it was docile, so no one bothered it." He blinked and coughed, clearing his throat. "Sorry about that."

Shadow Shadow cocked his head before saying, "She has many that she trusts now. Many wolves and foxes that are on her side." He scratched an ear before a weight on his shoulder made him look over. Frost sat on his shoulder before Shadow saw what was around his neck. And smiled. "Please oh please someone get this thing off me. It seems to be very fearful of Icicle and now won't let go." Frost said, his ears flattened annoyed. The black snake was curled around his neck.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked at Frost and laughed. He made a trill-like noise and stepped his paw before gently moving to grab the snake, which instantly leaped towards him and curled around his head. "There. See? No need to be scared." He said and looked at the many snakes that was nestled in his fur. He smiled and then looked at Frost. "You might want to relax a while before moving. This fella here is a constrictor and thus- wait.. What gender-?" He moved his fur to look at the snake better and saw that the snake was female and cleared his throat. "Sorry, This girl here is a constrictor, and since she was wrapped around your neck, you should relax." The snake lapped up the air without moving from where she was. Edited at May 24, 2021 01:40 PM by Dragonpipe

Calli Calli looked at Seya and giggled "you wuv him" she says in a baby voice she walked away giggling - Dark Knight Knight watched Calli leave giggling and looked at Seya "so, what were you girls talking about?" he asks Seya with a smile his head tilted slightly with curiousity.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at her paws and mentally screamed as her ears fell back from her blush. "N-nothing that important." She stuttered. She looked at him and gulped. "Just.. Normal girl talk." She laughed a little. "W-why do you ask?" She asked, shaking a small bit.