
Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang smiled a little. "Glad to hear she's still the same." He said and closed his eyes. "Alright then 'just Shadow' I'm assuming you know by now that Seya is my sister since you'd probably were listening in. Name's Yang if you didn't remember." He looked at a paw. Me and my sister look nothing alike right now. He thought. I hate this time of year. I wish I had mother's coat change like Seya did. He sighed a little and then looked at Shadow again. "Oh, and don't worry. I won't hurt Seya or anyone else."

Shadow Shadow nodded slightly to him. "Good. I'd rather not kill you." He said before starting walking towards where there was the sound of roaring. "Icicle, go help Thorn. We can't have bears near the pack." He said, turning his head to look at the furball on his back. Icicle nodded before asking, "Drive then kill? Or simply kill?" Shadow flicked his ears, "Drive them out. If that doesn't work, then kill." Icicle nodded before jumping onto the branch above him, disappearing into the foliage. Another furball decided to settle onto his back, Frost looking at the wolf with a withering glance. "This is Frost, the fox brother of Icicle." Shadow said to Yang, while watching the branches move above him that told him that Icicle was collecting snakes.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked up at Frost and hummed. "If you're getting snakes, there's a few of 'em that live with me. I can quickly get a few of 'em if you need it." He said and then dug in his fur and pulled out the small black constrictor that still clung to his snout. Seeing Icicle, the snake tried burying into Yang's nose but wasn't able to. "Apparently, according to what Icicle said, snakes like me." He flicked his tail as he saw a few more snakes peer out of small hole-dens.

Shadow Shadow twitched his ear feeling Frost shift on his back before taking the snake. Once he got a good hold on it, he flung it upwards where Icicle caught it. The weight on his back disappeared as Frost went to get the other ones. "Hmm, snakes are good for snacks." Shadow said watching them.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang saw as the snake was removed from his grasp and disappeared. He missed that snake but it was better there than with him. "You shouldn't eat snakes unless your stomach can handle it." He said and then walked over to the few snakes that were looking at him. He put his snout down and saw the snakes curl up to his snout and hang there as he walked back to Shadow. The snakes now curled around to his back and neck. "Also, try not to eat the snakes that are around me. Please. My mother's soul will kill me if I let innocent snakes die."

Dark Knight Dark Knight smiled at Seya's compliment "you know how you asked me what our future would be like? what were you thinking about?" he asks curiously wondering what she would say (short)

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya hummed. She thought about this for a solid minute before she looked at him and smiled. "I was planning on helping Shadow with his pack and then spending time with you and Killjoy." She said and walked back to him. "What do you want to do?" She asked.

Dark Knight "i don't really know, rejoin the habits of being in a pack, spend time with you." he bumps his shoulder into Seya playfully and chuckles he sees something small near them. he gets up grabs the animal by the scruff, and puts it down he looks down at Calli giggling a little

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya walked over to Calli and bowed her head. "Hello there." She said and then looked at Dark Knight and smiled at him. She stepped closer to him and whispered, "the pack is new, so we'll all grow with it." She then walked past him and picked out a little flower and brought it back and gave it to Calli. "What are you doing here?" She asked, being as calm and comforting as she could.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya walked over to Calli and bowed her head. "Hello there." She said and then looked at Dark Knight and smiled at him. She stepped closer to him and whispered, "the pack is new, so we'll all grow with it." She then walked past him and picked out a little flower and brought it back and gave it to Calli. "What are you doing here?" She asked, being as calm and comforting as she could.