
Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked behind him for a split second. "I can easily track her. I know where she is." He said and then stood up again. "She's always been shy." He mumbled to himself and then looked at Icicle. "And how do you know so much about her, anyway?" His tail flicked the air as he talked. This fox was making him irritated but he could deal with it. I live with snakes and they are more annoying than any fox could ever be. He thought as his paw flicked away a nearby pebble. "My sister can fight if she needs to. She wouldn't have survived in our pack if she couldn't. But she was always afraid of hurting others, so she made it her job to heal everyone." And follow me around to make sure I was okay.

River "There's a herd of klipspringer, small deer, up ahead. They usually like the small meadows around here." River responded before they came to the small meadow. There in the center were the klipspringers. She flicked an ear at him before going into a crouch. Stalking out, she started through the tall grass circling the herd until she was downwind.
Icicle Icicle yawned, "I know a lot about your sister unlike you seem to know. If you've been tracking her, you would know that she doesn't hunt for herself nor fight as she doesn't like hurting them and no, she can not fight. She mostly hangs out around flowers and pups." Icicle licked a paw before running it through her ears. "She has been training to be a healer for her pack which if you've been following, you should know that she went from a loner to a pack, then finally switched to this pack." She said, raising an eyebrow at him.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang let out a low, heavy sigh. "My sister might not seem like it, but she is strong. She's just.. Afraid of making someone hurt. She'd rather let herself be hurt than the other one she is fighting." He said and shook his fur again. "Flowers were always her thing. They helped calm her down, and how I know where to find her if she's having a rough day." He flicked his ear. "And.. Pups? She's probably taking care of someone else's pups. She told me she would rather raise pups that were hurt or injured or alone." She's too nice for her own good.

Dark Knight Knight looked at Seya "no- I haven't really had the time to with the fire and whatnot" he pulled a tick out of his coat and crushed it with his paw. it popped and some of Knight's own blood got on his paw. it was dark red in color he hadn't seen his own blood in a while, not since Shadow's fox had attacked him

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya huffed. She was upset by this news. "Stay still. I'm going to clean you." She said and then sat up and began cleaning his fur of nasty pests like ticks and other bugs she found. She made sure to kill the little bugs, each and every one of them, even though she felt bad for the poor insects. She shook her head and continued cleaning his fur and eventually, after making sure no bugs were in it, started grooming his fur as well.

Icicle Icicle chuckled, "Yep although she loves the pups. Anyhow, if you want to know more about her, you will have to ask the alpha." Icicle said, jumping back up onto the branch. "Speaking of which, he should be around here somewhere." She said, peering through the bushes. She sprawled out on the branch before asking, "You always going to be a lone wolf?"
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang laughed. "Oh, please its not like she is his property. She's my sister and if I want to talk with her, I do not have to ask permission from your 'alpha'." He snorted. "Plus, no offence to any of your pack mates, I am just fine with where I am now. It's a lot better than running, at least."

Icicle Icicle chuckled, "At least your not running from my alpha. If anything happens to a member of his pack, he will hunt you down. He's done it before." She said before rolling onto her stomach. "Although, I do suggest you give a heads-up if you want to talk to her. We don't need any wolf bodies being left around." She said, letting out a sly cackle. She loved taunting wolves and spreading rumors.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang sniffed the air. "I never run from others." He said and then stretched. "If I see this alpha of yours, I'll let him know." He said and then looked at the fox again. "Are you trying to protect her, Icicle? She is a wolf and you are a fox." He said and then stood up a little, resting his paws on the turn of the tree.

Icicle Icicle scoffed, "So? My brother is a wolf and I'm a fox so why wouldn't I protect Seya. And by the way, you won't see my alpha first. It's simply his way." Icicle batted at a leaf underneath of her before looking back at him, "Seya is a valued friend of us foxes, we would protect her even if our lives depended on it. You can blame that on alpha as well."
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