
Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* "The reason why is because I have more weight than you little foxes. I thus require a much thicker branch to stand on, or fall to my inevitable death." He then felt his ears twitch up. "Wait.. Icicle? Can you speak snake? What did you say to that snake that's.. A bit too comfortable in my fur?"

Icicle "Oh I speak many languages, I am a fox after all. Snake, owl, wolf, bear, eagle, you name it. A gift they so call it." Icicle responded before flicking her ears. "I simply told it that if it stayed in my sight, I would eat it for my dessert." She said, grinning evily. "It's a bit scared of me now."
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* "Do you think you could teach me?" He asked. "My mother could speak it, as it was customary in her pack to work with snakes. Females mostly used 'em, though.." He hummed. Wait.. So then does my little sister know how to speak snake, too? "I know that I'm asking a lot, but I have another question to ask. Do you know of a wolf named Seya?" God I hope this fox knows.

Icicle "Seya? Sure, my other wolf friend. Why?" Icicle said cheerfully before narrowing her eyes at him, "I hope it's good cause. Because if you hurt her, then you are dealing with the Shadow Forest pack and will have to deal with the alpha." She said in a serious tone, her eyes narrowed at him with her ears on alert. "And to teach you would be a bit hard as I've never taught anyone before. That's Frost's, my brothers, department."
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Might as well tell her. Yang looked into her eyes and said without hesitation, "she's my sister." He felt the snake move again and tried paying little attention to it. "I'm looking for her because she can't protect herself. I can." He closed his eyes and waited for the laughter of the fox. He was secretly relieved to know that Icicle knew Seya but he wanted to know how much she knew. "I would appreciate if you didn't tell it to your fox friends, please. I'm living a nice peaceful life currently." Sort of. He thought.

Icicle Icicle thought about this for a moment before saying, "First off, she already has a protector and a new lover and secondly, define 'fox friends'." She cocked her head at him before saying, "And I wouldn't mess with her protector either as he is the alpha of her pack." She warned, blinking at him.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang's eyes snapped open as he blinked in surprise. "Woah, Woah! Hold on. My sister has a lover and a protector? The alpha, I'm guessing?" He shook his head. "And what do you mean? If he's an alpha, I doubt he even protects her much." He looked up and closed his eyes again. "And as for your 'fox friends', I mean the foxes that you frequently meet with. The ones you tell all your weird secrets to."

Icicle "She was recruited into the pack recently by the alpha and yes he does protect her. I've seen it myself. And for my fox friends? I don't tell other foxes my secrets. Nah, that's for my alpha." Icicle said cackling. She stretched on the branch before saying, "The alpha protects everyone in his small pack, but do not underestimate him. He's killed several bears before to protect his pack. With a little help from yours truly." She grinned, panting slightly.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang sighed. Well, I thought it wouldn't take long before someone finally realizes she is worth something important. He looked at the female fox as she moved and started panting. Which he found weird. "Did you see my sister talk to any of the animals around here?" He asked. "If she did, she's much like you, I'm afraid."

Icicle Icicle cackled, "She talks to the flowers around here, shy around other animals mostly. She can't hunt much though nor can she fight. But alpha said he would teach her on the journey." She jumped off the branch again before curling up on the ground, "But if you cared for her so much, why are you just standing around here then?" She said bluntly, not bothering that it might be a personal question.
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