
|Killjoy| "It was by mistake. We were playing, and she fell off a cliff." He said. In my family's old den we have an old claw of hers, to show that she was there." He chuckled. "We should be heading back." (Oof short too <.<)
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Icicle "My name? Your kidding me. You really must be new to the forest. Name's Icicle. You usually find that out when your dying." Icicle said cackling. He was now standing up but she wasn't worried. She suddenly smelled a snake. Jumping off her branch, she landed right behind the snake, clasping her jaws right behind it's head. With a brief shake, she killed it before laying down to start eating. Snake was okay, she preferred rabbit and moose. She ate half of it before stepping back, "You smell like snake, you must have eaten one sometime. It takes forever to get the scent off you afterwards but the meat is okay." Icicle said before sitting down, running a paw through her ears. "And rudely awakening others from their slumber is my speciality. Your welcome." She cackled before stretching.
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River River nodded, "Well technically it wasn't your fault. And yes, we should be heading back. Although, a few rabbits and mice is not going to hold off your pack. Maybe a klipspringer intead. Follow me." River said before stashing her prey in the roots of an old oak tree. It would house the prey for now while they went hunting. She started into the woods before turning to make sure Killjoy was following.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang sat down. "It's not that I eat them, it's that I live with them." He said and looked around. "There's usually a snake that follows me. A fox tried to kill me with it but it sort of.. Froze?" He shook his head. His fur fluffed up slightly, revealing the white speckles that swarmed parts of his fur. "Besides, I hate the taste of snake. I'd rather eat a fish before I eat a snake." He shivered at the sight of eating a snake. My mother would kill me if I did, too. Snakes were her favorite. He let out a sigh.

Icicle Icicle shrugged, "Snakes okay. Moose and rabbit is better." She said before fluffing herself up as a cool breeze came by. Her brown fur was starting to show spots of white as her winter coat came in. At the moment, she looked like a pinecone though. She shook herself before looking back at the wolf, "Snakes are dumb and if a fox only used one, then it's dumb too. We only use snakes in large groups if we decide to drop them on someone." Icicle said, cleaning a paw.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked at her and nodded slowly. He dug through his fur and blinked. "Well, there it is." He said and then gently picked up a long thin snake that clung to his fur. "Here's the snake." The snake was a normal greyish color you would see in a constrictor. "Tiny, though." He said just before the snake clung to his mouth. With a flick of his ear he looked unamused.

|Killjoy| Killjoy followed River. "Where are we going?" He asked. His pad scraped against a rock, and cut open. He ingored it, and walked on, leaving bloody footprints behind. I must only look at whats infront of me, and not dwell on my past. He thought, trotting behind River.
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Icicle Icicle chuckled, laughing. She let out a couple hisses and the snake immediately retreated back onto Yang. She stretched before finishing the other snake. Jumping back onto the low branch, she turned to the wolf, "Snakes seem to like you which means you like snakes. Don't translate that trust to foxes. Just a fair warning." She said before sitting down on the branch, her tail wrapping around her paws.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang nodded to the fox as he felt the snake wither around in his fur before nestling in and not moving very much. "It's pretty bad when everyone you meet thinks your some kind of snake whisperer because of this.. Lovely little snake." He said and sighed. "Trust me, I don't trust any of you foxes more than I like other wolves, which is very few to none. You, dear Icicle, are lucky that I have not ripped out your throat." He cleared his throat. Positive, positive. What if your sister suddenly rushes over here? That would not be a good look on you, after all. How long has it been? A year? Maybe two? I forget He looked at the branch and blinked. "How in the four great seasons can you even stand on that branch?"

Icicle Icicle laughed as he said the threat. "You wish puppy." She said before blinking, "Why can't you?" She grinned mischievously, flicking her ears. "Although, you might be a bit more wise if you weren't saying threats out loud." She said before trotting along the branch to jump to another low branch on his other side. "And us foxes are much more nimble and quick then you wolves."
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