
(Oh don't worry, I do bigger ones sometimes >:3) Icicle Icicle stretched before taking a stroll through the trees. She left Frost in charge of watching Flame and the pups as well as the rest of the semi-small pack. Looking down, she could see Seya and Dark Knight talking. Icicle continued before seeing a sleeping wolf behind a tree. It wouldn't have striked her odd, except she didn't recognize him. She jumped off her branch before landing on a low branch beside him. "Well hello there lone wolf. What might you be doing so close to a pack?" Icicle said, her ears alert and her eyes narrowed at him.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang looked up from his resting position and opened his eyes. He looked at the small fox with a blink. He didn't trust this new animal but nevertheless, he was asked a question and he must answer it. At least a little. "I'm resting here." He said, his voice almost a whisper. I'm not lying. I am resting here. Sort of. But this fox doesn't need to know that. "Why are you here?" He asked. He raised his head up a little so he could move his paws to rest closer to his body as space was quickly getting filled up by things he did not want to touch. He looked at the fox and made sure to make a mental note of what she looked like: just in case he needed to ever get help from her. I doubt that would happen, but it's just a precaution. He told himself. Remember what mother used to say. A dead man is a man without precaution. I do not want to be a dead man. (Oh! I honestly feel really comfortable with this character for some reason so expect a long reply ^^)

(Oh that's fine! I feel that way with a few of my other characters too ^-^) Icicle "I'm resting here." He said in a whisper before asking, "Why are you here?" Icicle blinked annoyed. We can see that your resting here. Lone wolves usually stay away, that's why I was asking. She thought to herself before flicking her ears back. She took in the appearance of the wolf, noting that she didn't recognize him at all. The fact that he wasn't too wary, especially since she was a fox, was strange. She flicked her ears before saying, "To answer that question, I am helping a friend of mine." That is true. "Lone wolves don't usually come near packs though, so what brings you so close to the passing pack nearby?" Icicle said, purposefully not saying that she was in the pack itself and helping them.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang watched the fox closely as she moved. He would know if she would be someone he would have to fight later based on their movement. "I thought foxes don't go near packs either." He said, resting his head on a paw. "But I heard rumours of foxes hanging out with wolves in the area and I guess those rumours were right." He smiled. "Oh, and just so you know, I'm not afraid of you." He knew some things about the foxes in the area, and how they like to make others fear them. I hang out with snakes, do you really think I would be afraid of you? I live with some, too. His ears flicked up as he sniffed the air. Act normal. He forced his body to look as comfortable yet moveable if he needed to use it for any reason. I wonder if the other rumour was true as well? Do these foxes use snakes in their attacks? He smiled a little, a little grin that made a lower fang slowly curl around his upper lip, as he thought of the foxes having to deal with snakes and their constant annoyance.

Icicle Icicle listened to him for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Afriad of me? Me?? Nah, it's my brother you have to worry about." She cackled at him, hopping onto a branch above his head. "Although if you get on my bad side, now that is a different matter." She said ignoring his question about foxes not going near packs. Icicle jumped back down to the lower branch, close to the shadows of the woods. "And also, you seem to be a bit comfortable around foxes. Care to share?" She said, cocking her head to the side, her eyes seemingly pinning him.
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Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* So the fox has a brother? Good to know. Yang nodded, closing his eyes. "I used to live next to a few foxes back when me and my sister were still.. Together.." He opened his eyes and felt his body droop. A sign of sadness. He shook his head and forced himself to look comfortable again. "It.. Doesn't matter now." He said, flicking his tail to one side. "You seem oftly chatty, fox." He said and looked at her again.

|Killjoy| Killjoy laughed. "When I was eight weeks old I killed my youngest sister named Joy. My name was "pup" at the time, so my father renamed me to 'Killjoy'." He said, sitting down, and watching the clouds.
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River River cocked her head, "Oof, May I ask why you killed her? Or was it just like a play thing gone wrong?" River asked, watching him before sitting down beside him. (oof, short >.<)
Icicle chuckled, "I'm only chatty because I know that if you were to attack me, you would get killed or injured instantly." Icicle said, batting a leaf above her. Now, that was a bluff. There was no traps in this part of the forest as they had just gotten there. Plus, Frost hadn't gotten to this section of the forest. Of course, the wolf could either call the bluff or not but it would still mean she would have to get out of trouble somehow. Icicle looked back down at him before saying, "I'm surprised that your still around listening. But then again, you don't seem to have anything better to do."
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Gwendolyn-omega-M: anyone Gwendolyn padded along with Artemis, giving her a comforting nudge and then looking to the ground as she padded along again. In a way she couldn't wait til they got to the new home so she could wash the soot off her coat.

Yang | Male | Lone Wolf *Protective* Yang sat up. "If that was the case, then the snakes would have triggered many." He said and stretched. "Name's Yang, by the way." He sniffed the air. "And you are right. I'm just here listening to my thoughts ring inside of my head like usual when I'm rudely awoken from my slumber." Like always.. I swear those snakes do it on purpose. He nearly growled but lowered his head and let one of his paws grips and claw at the ground. He couldn't be calm all the time, and when someone thought of hurting him, well, his instincts would kick in and make him attack the creature that tried to hurt him. It would be worse when he saw someone trying to hurt someone he cared about. "What's your name, little fox?" I haven't talked so much in a while. The snakes aren't good for conversation.. Though they are smart. He blinked, remembering the time when a snake got swallowed up by another snake. Most of them are, at least.