
|Killjoy| Killjoy picked Saya up, and carryed her across, and walked a where she could not hear anything but birds chirping. Butterfly flew around and there were flowers everywhere. He set her down. "Here you are Saya." He said happily, "If you want to find me, you know where." He said, remembering he brought her to where the pack would be. "If you want to come, feel free, but I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want." He said, standing up, and slowly walking away.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Killjoy and hugged him quickly before he could walk away. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She whimpered and looked at him. "I'm a jerk and I know it but I still care about you." Her arms and legs drooped as she let him go. She sobbed quietly. "I wish I didn't hurt you."

|Killjoy| Killjoy turned around. "You are not a jerk Saya, you are perfect in every way. I hope that if you ever are looking for a home, you'll come to the pack." He said with a small sad smile, "Thank you for all of the great memories." He licked the top of her head, and walked away. |Brecken| Brecken trotted after Marbled. "Hey! Wheres Killjoy?" "I don't know, I think he went to go help someone." "Ah." Brecken walked next to Marbled, he was happy that she had tripped on his hole when she did, for he could not imagine his life without her. "Theres a short cut." Marbled complained, "Why are we going the long way?" She huffed.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* "Goodbye.. Killjoy." Seya looked at Killjoy and smiled weakly. "I'll miss you." She touched the top of her head where Killjoy had licked her head and sighed to herself. "God I'm stupid." She mumbled to herself. You still love him. Her mind told her, ringing into her head. Silly, silly girl. He doesn't like you anymore. She laid down and whimpered to herself. Why can't I just make up my mind? She asked herself. Rolling onto her back, she looked at the sky as she flattened her ears against her head. She looked around to see where Dark Knight was and when she couldn't find him, she whined.

Louvel Louvel squirmed until he realized that it was Illusion who was holding him. "But what about the evil smoke?" He asked Illusion and "Are my snakes ok?" He questioned Artemis. then finally he whimpered "Is Cali ok? Is everyone ok?" His little eyes looked hopefully at the three wolves in hope and worry. His fur looked black and he looked startled for a moment until he released it was only a little bit of soot then he looked back at the wolves whilst dangling calmly from Illusion's mouth until he was put down. Edited at May 20, 2021 02:15 PM by Deadlywolf

Artemis Artemis Froze at the road and looked at her friend with fear. She remembered on her 1 st year of living there had been a little fire in the forest. She knew it didn't affect the pack but it affected her little lone group killing 20 wolves and only leaving 4 ill and 1 healthy. She went Into another daze and wondered if her pup's graves had been burned. There bodies in ashes in the little holes she buried them in. Her hazel eyes were ful of fear and for the first time in ages she whimpered. She heard Killjoy say well done to Illusion for keeping Lou safe and Invnorsd it for she decided to take the chance. She swerved and dodged cars suddenly suddenlh a car stopped as th flames picked it. She could hear humans inside. She opened the door for them but in favor got a kick in the rump that sent her running to Louvel and Illusion. There she waited anxiously for her friend Gwendolyn. "Illusion can we travel together as you are carrying Lou and I am carrying his snakes? Can Gwendolyn and Cali join us if they wants to as well?" She asked the warrior. Edited at May 20, 2021 04:06 PM by Deadlywolf

(Current forms above I am DONE!) Edited at May 20, 2021 04:07 PM by Deadlywolf

Night Night runs across the street trying not to be seen by humans. she sees Seya and runs toward her, she can see the sadness in Seya's eyes "Can't choose huh?" she asks Night looks from Knight across the street to Killjoy Night takes the pups of Seya's back and puts them on her own "thanks for watching them"

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Night and nodded. "Yeah.." She said and pawed the ground. "They both mean a lot to me and my dumb heart loves them both and can't decide of one or the other." She said and whimpered. "I care about them both and love them." She said and then smiled as the pups went back to Night.

Night Hawk Night Hawk watched the pack while Killjoy had gone back to help. Shadow soon appeared by his side before disappearing into the forest to scout out the territory. It would be a temporary place for him and his pack until his own forest picked itself up. Night Hawk howled for the rest of the pack to rest for a moment while they waited for everyone else to catch up.
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