
Dark Knight Knight gets up "I'll come with you," he says with a kind smile he turns to Night "you coming?" he asks "I'm gonna stay and help the foxes," Night says. Knight looks at Seya "ok I think we're good now" he says "when do we plan on crossing?

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled and wagged her tail as she stood next to Dark Knight and nuzzled his shoulder. "I'm glad you're coming." She said to him and looked at him. Her eyes lingered onto his black fur and looked away almost instantly. "What do you want to do after we settle down and help them?" She asked him.

Shadow Shadow started walking as he answered Dark Knight's question. "We can cross now while the fire has the humans distracted. Not many cars will be out due to the smoke and fire. I can come back for Night once she is done with the animals." He said before getting to the road. Just like expected, few cars were out as the road was darkened with smoke and fire. The fire had already passed there so it was safe to get to the pack. Shadow looked both ways to make sure before walking across. Night Hawk was trying to figure out what to do but Killjoy was nowhere in sight. "Night Hawk! We got to get the pack moving before the humans come back! I can retrieve any stragglers after we get the mothers and pups to a safe place." Shadow said, nudging a pup towards it's mother. Night Hawk nodded before getting the pack to start out again.
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(damn i just got a random bloody nose) Dark Knight Knight replied to Seya "I don't know yet, but we can figure it out when we get there" Knight nudges Seya "right now we should get across the road" Knight looked across the road to the non-burnt woods a car speeds by the driver freaking out about the fire. he could see something on the other side of the woods but he wasn't sure what it was. - Night Night barked to Seya "wait! can you take my pups with you?" Night walked over to Seya she took her pups off her back and put them on Seya's "I don"t want them to get hurt"

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at Night and looked at her pups. "Won't someone think that they are mine?" She asked before shaking her head. "Nevermind. I'll take them. I promise not to let them get hurt." She said and then looked at Dark Knight and walked at a fast pace to join up to him and Shadow.

Night Night smiles and bows her head to Seya "thank you, I'll catch up soon - Dark Knight Knight waited for Seya at the edge of the road he saw the pups on her back "Night's?" he asks assuming they are. he himself has a coyote pup on his back, orphaned from the fire

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled. "Why are you asking? Are you afraid I already have pups?" She sighed. "They are Night's pups." She said and looked at the pups on her back and then looked at Coyote pup on his back and smiled. She walked over to him and pressed her head on his chest before sighing. "I'm afraid that no one finds me attractive enough to have a pup with me." She said and then sniffed the air.

|Killjoy| Killjoy stood behind a tree. S.. Saya. He thought sadly, as he turned and walked away from her. His head was down, and his eyes were shallow and empty. He sighed, and smiled sadly. "I knew it was not meant to be." He said with a small laugh to himself. He walked back to the pack and let out a howl, with a sad tint to it. "Lets move." He said and crossed the road again to his pack.
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Night Hawk Night Hawk cocked his head at Killjoy's saddened howl. Shaking his head, he moved the pack out towards the alleyways before walking beside Killjoy. "Other than the humans, we have to worry about the stray dog groups in here. They can be dangerous and would attack pups." Night Hawk said before seeing Shadow push past him. Shadow seemed to know exactly where he was going which was strange but Night Hawk was learning that Shadow had a lot of surprises under his belt. Night ignored Shadow for the moment waiting for Killjoy's response.
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|Killjoy| "Okay." He said. "The larger wolves should take the pups." He said, and handed Sky to Marbeled. "But, no stray dog will be able to handle one wolf let alone a pack." Killjoy said, "They have to be bred for it, and they are pricey from what I heard, so no stray dog will give us any problems." He stood up, and began to walk.
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