
Night "oh don't mind me I'm just thinking how ironic this is when I said you'll get a family when you want one, you said that probably wasn't gonna happen, and then you find true love" Night smiled and went back to her pups again she thinks young love

Shadow Shadoww walked through the forest, smoke sticking to his fur. It reminded him of that first fire. It would take time to bring it back but with the neighboring territory on the other side of town to help his family, he could actually spend more time here knowing they would be safe. He stepped out of the forest, seeing the fire moving on and dying down. He got to the stream before spotting the animals and the wolves that escaped. Seya and Dark Knight lay together with Night and her pups over to one side.
Shadow let out a contented sigh, the animals were safe. The forest could be replaced, the animals on the other hand couldn't be. Shadow looked at the forest once before plunging into the stream. He swam strongly to the other side before shaking off. Walking over to Night, Dark Knight and Seya, he sat down before saying, "You three and the pups are welcome to join my pack. The territory on the side of the town is now our temporary territory while we regain this forest. Your welcome to stay with us or go, it's your decision." Shadow flicked his ears, listening to what they would say. He would be happy if Seya decided to join his pack but would also respect her decision if she wanted to stay rogue or with the other pack.
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Night Night watches Shadow walk over and say "You three and the pups are welcome to join my pack. The territory on the side of the town is now our temporary territory while we regain this forest. Your welcome to stay with us or go, it's your decision." "I'll come, " Night says "if it means safety for my pups"

|Illusion| Illusion howled and took off towards Lou. "Lou! Lou! Hold on, I'm coming!" He said, bolting towards them. |Killjoy| Killjoy's eyes shot open from Illusions Howl. "Is everything okay?" He shot up. "Where is Saya?!" Ge got to his feet, and began to sniff the air. He then followed her trail to a stream. His coat was hot from traveling towards the fire. He sighed as he lowered himself into the stream. He went up stream to look for her. |Marbled| Marbled walked over to Night Hawk. "So what do we do now?" She asked, Fern walked after her with Sky in her mouth.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blinked and looked at Shadow. "What? Really?" She was surprised that he wanted her to join his pack. "I mean, I would love to! It's better than not knowing where to go or feeling bad if I miss something important." She smiled a little and laughed nervously. She then looked at Dark Knight and at Night and walked over to her. "I didn't think I would find someone, miss Night. I just.. Happened to be proven wrong." She said, whispering this to her.

Night "well, I'm happy for you" Night gave a soft smile "so have you made the decision to join the pack?" Night asks "I'm sure Knight would go with you anywhere" Knight nods in agreement

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya nods and sat down next to her after making sure Night's pups weren't near Seya's body and smiled. "I'm going. I think it would be best for me." She said. "And I trust Shadow, so of course I'm going with him." She looked at Shadow and smiled. She then looked at Dark Knight and sighed. "Also, Mr. Knight, you should not just go wherever I go. You have your own opinion and choices." Edited at May 19, 2021 10:56 AM by Dragonpipe

Shadow Shadow nodded to Seya and Night, "Glad to hear that. We will stick with Starless's pack until we get to our temporary territory. From there, I will assist my friend Night Hawk back to his own territory before we can start reawakening the forest." Shadow said standing up. "The pack is back across the road and we would be safer as a group crossing the town. The animals here will be helped to the old bear territory by my friends." Shadow said, turning towards the road. His foxes were in fact helping animals as they spoke towards the now abandoned land. After the rock slide, the small piece of land that was barely big enough for a group of deer was abandoned.
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Dark Knight "I'll go anyway," he says to Seya "besides I think it will be good for me to rejoin a pack" He looks at Shadow "so, shall we go, or are we waiting for more wolves?" - Night Night picked up her pups and placed them on her back, "wait for me," she says to the foxes "I"ll help too" she walks toward the river and plucks small animals out.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked up at Shadow and nodded to him and stood up. "It's good to know that you still care about these things." She said and looked around. She hummed and waited for Night and Dark Knight to get up. She wouldn't move if they didn't. She walked over to Dark Knight and said, "do you want to walk with me? It's okay if not.."