
Dark Knight "I like you too," Dark Knight says he snuggles against Seya "have you realized how pretty your fur is in the moonlight," he says Calli Calli felt the wolf pick her up "we have to find my brother" she wheezed. "do you know where he is" the smoke clouded her eyes and she could only see outlines, a tree here, a dead animal there, but none were her brother

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed and looked at her white fur. She smiled and looked at him. "I like yours better." She said and nuzzled his shoulder. She could feel her heartbeat quicken from what both of them had said. "I-I mean.. You look way better than I do." She mumbled, fumbling with her paws. Handsome, too, but I won't say that. Her blush deepened from the thought.

Dark Knight Knight looks at his own pitch black fur "meh I still think yours is better. and the white symbols the kindness and bravery within you" Knight wipes some ash out of Seya's fur "our pelt colors are dire opposites but many people think black and white go well together"

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya let out a squeak when he moved the soot. "Well... To be honest, I have black fur under my white. It's not as thick as this is, but it's enough to not make me freeze or sweat too much when it's hot out." She said and moved some of her white furs to show him the thin layer of black. Internally freaking from if he didn't like it. She knew that she didn't tell anyone this, but she thought it made sense from her black tips. "And I think you and I, as well as our furs, are perfect." She said and smiled, dipping her head. Edited at May 19, 2021 08:26 AM by Dragonpipe

Dark Knight "I like the black and white mix in your fur," Knight says "as I like you" Knight tilts his head at an angle making him look like a silly pup "if you look at it this way you can kinda see the mix, like a grayish" he un-tilts his head back to normal and smiles at Seya

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya giggled at his silliness. He's cute and funny? Gee Seya, how'd you get so lucky? She thought before nuzzling his head with her nose as gently as she could. "Thank you." She whispers and flicked her tail to get some of the soot and ash out of it. "But I still like your fur more than mine." She laid down next to him with another giggle.

Dark Knight Knight looked toward the fire I hope everyone got out ok he thinks then looks back toward Seya then at the flower patch he picks a few more seeds out of a flower and puts them in Seya's cup "there" he says "now there will be more beauty in this forest, but one hundred of those flowers could only make a mear fraction of your beauty"

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blushed from that compliment and looked at her paws. And make that sweet as well. Her tail wagged happily as she laughed quietly. "Thank you." She said and placed a paw on his. "Though I'm not the only one here that would put the flowers to shame." She said and smiled. "You make even the stars gasp at your handsomeness, dear sweet Knight." She licked his nose. "Make that my sweet Knight." She giggled.

Dark Knight "your Knight? I like that" he blushed "and you're my Seya, my brave and beautiful Seya" Knight liked her nose back and nestled his snout in her fur. he looked at Night I almost forgot she was here most other wolves would feel embarrassed about being seen like this, but he didn't care he loved Seya and that is that.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya smiled and giggled. She looked at him and licked his head. "Always and forever." She said as her ear twitched. She saw Night and instantly blushed; feeling an extreme amount of blush and embarrassment. "N-Night? W-what are you doing here?" She asked as she started shaking. Stutterness came with the embarrassment.