
Dark Knight Knight didn't think she would ask this question "I- " he stutters "I- I think I have feelings for you" he says blushing "I've never met someone quite like you before." Knight feels somewhat embarrassed for admitting his feelings for Seya. he looks deep into Seya's eyes. I wanna swim in them forever he thinks to himself.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at him and smiled. She closed her eyes. "Well.. You are incredibly nice and kind." She said and opened her eyes slowly and saw that he was looking into her eyes and blushed from it. Her ears spiked up from her blush and laughed a little from it. "And.. No offence to you, but I'm not all that great." Her smile soon faded as her ears fell back and her tail curled around her legs. She looked up at him. "You are far better than I will ever be, sir knight."

Dark Knight "Seya, you underestimate your abilities, look at you, you almost died trying to save a burning forest, I myself would never do that" Knight says he looks at Seya's ears a chuckles a little "you need to stop thinking you're not worth anything, your gonna be a big help to this forest re-planting those seeds" Knight puts his paw on hers and blushes "your amazing just the way you are"

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya let out a weak chuckle and leaned into his side. She sighed a little. "Mister knight, not many others find me very.. I don't know.. Worth anything?" She let out a sneeze as a little cloud of smoke went near her nose. "I had to save this forest. Or, at least try! I mean.. This place belongs to a friend of mine." She said and looked at him. 'And I really am not. I'm not great at anything. I can't even keep a couple of flowers from burning!" She whimpered again and felt her body shake.

Dark Knight Knight put his head on Seya at the feel of her quiver "look across the river" he says and looks to the non-burnt half of the woods "we could all live there, your friend could claim that area, and look in your leaf cup" he looks toward her cup of seeds "when the fire stops we can come back to this half and plant some more, don't think of this as an ending, think of it as a new beginning."

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya heard his words and started crying from them. "Really? You think so?" She smiled sadly as tears down her face. She placed her head below his and sobbed into his neck to chest area. She sat there and cried. When was the last time someone talked to me like this? Being nice to me like this? She asked herself as she looked at Dark Knight with her sad, sobbing self whimpered and shook.

Dark Knight Knight felt her cry, he put his head on hers "it's ok just let it all out" Knight let out a few tears of his own remembering the last time there was a fire I lost my family - Night Night looked over at Knight and Seya. young love she thinks to herself she snuggles up to her pups and felt their breathing. steady she thinks.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya wiped away her tears by pawing her face and looked at Dark Knight. She smiled at him and rested her head against his. "Thank you. For everything." She said and then looked at the mess she had made on his fur and whimpered from it. "I'm so sorry for that. I didn't mean to make a mess-"

Dark Knight "it's ok," Knight says he feels a weird tickle on his back he went to scratch it but remembers the small animals clinging to him it looks like they are leaving now he leans to the side so they could get off then he leans back into Seya.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya watched as the animals slipped off of his back and looked back at him with a sweet smile. "Animals like you." She scooted closer to him and leaned into his side with a wag of her tail. "As do I." She felt happy with him. Happy and safe. She felt her worries slowly drift away. She didn't know if this was possible. Being able to be so close to someone that was as kind as he was.