
Night Hawk & River Night Hawk looked around not spotting Seya. He kept trotting to keep up with Shadow who had Lean. Brecken had Lemon while Night had Flame. The foxes had the pups which were jumping from tree to tree ahead. River had come down from the mountains looking for her alpha. She saw the flames and ran towards them spotting a wolf that was crying near flames. Running over, she used her big size to pick up the female and weave through the trees towards the road away from the fire. Her river white fur stood out and was being blackened by smoke but River didn't care. She came out into the meadow where she looked around before seeing the flames creeping up. She went into a brisk trot towards the road where she would be safe on the other side.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya felt her eyes start to close as she could hardly breathe from the smoke that entered her lungs. She dropped the flower and coughed, trying to remove the smoke but failing miserably. There's a remedy for this. Her mind told her. Just listen to what your brother told you. Slow your heartbeat and your breath. Calm yourself. Don't panic. Don't panic.. Someone will find you. "Probably not." She smiled sadly.

Dark Knight Knight woke to the smell of smoke, he jumped and looked around flames, oh no not again... not again... he looked around and saw a body in the flames Seya please don't be dead, don't be dead. he walked to the body still breathing he picked her up and tried to find a way out

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya opened her eyes to try to slip off his back and go back to the flowers before seeing the fire growing worse and seeing the flowers burn to ash in seconds. The flowers.. They're all dead.. She cried harder as she watched.

Dark Knight Knight ran to an area he couldn't see flames "Stay with me Seya" he ran toward a river on the riverbank there was a small patch of young flowers. in the river, he could see many animals affected by the fire rabbits, deer, elk, and many others. in the river he could see Night with her pups paddling around.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya looked at him and at the water. Her once white fur now sooty brown from the smoke. "Why did you save me..? You don't know me." She felt her eyes grow heavy as she knew she had to rest her eyes again. "I don't know anything about you, but you seem nice."

Dark Knight Knight smiles "i guess you can say I'm a Knight in shining armor." he dipped his body into the shallow of the river he looks around at the fire burning around them "this brings back so many memories" he quickly shut his mouth did I just say that out loud?! He looks at Night and her pups he paddles out toward them being careful not to dip Seya under too much. the water around them is black and grey with ashes. "Night are you Ok?" he asks

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya let out a weak laugh as she stayed close to him since he was the only one keeping her afloat. "A knight, huh? How nice. A knight saved me." She whispered and smiled as she felt her fur slowly get clean from the water. She slowly opened her drowsy eyes to see Night and her pups. "Are you able to breathe properly?" She asked as she herself could hardly breathe without getting stung.

Louvel Lou whined at Artemis and cried out for Illusion and Gwendlyon. Someone had to help her...."Why are you sad" he sniffed in th scent of her pelt and scented a dead pup smell and instantly nuzzled into her "I am so sorry for you losses Artemis..Please get up is going to be ok.."
Artemis Artemis growled again but mumbled a thanks even though it didn't help. Her hazel eyes closed and she nuzzled into her own paws as some wolves were shouting at each other. She noticed the pup had a basket of snakes but didn't ask why he had them or where he had found the flowers or the basket.

Louvel + Artemis Louvel smelt the scent of smoke snd cuddled next to Artemis "There is a fire.." he whimpered. Instantly Artemis stood up "Get on my back" Louvek climbed on her back and cling in Calling for any wolves. "CALI! ILLUSION!" He cried. Artemis grabbed Lou's Snake Basket and stood there waiting for a reply, she knew it was no use crying so she let out a long and loud howl and waited for a reply.