
Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, but unless I know your name, it's sir or mister." She said and then looked behind her as well. "Just walkin' with some wolves I know. Why?" She gave him a cheeky smile. "Are you wantin' to come with us?"

Starless Night & Shadow "Oh no, you did fine Seya! That was great work. Good luck Miss Night." Starless said to Seya before dipping his head to Night. Turning, he started back towards the pack, his basket back on his back. Shadow sat down as Seya started talking to another lone wolf. Night Hawk had already gone back to the pack to lead with Killjoy.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya tilted her head up to see Shadow sitting down and hummed. What is he doing? Is he waiting for something? She asked herself as she sat down. She blinked a few times in Shadow's direction and looked, and felt, very confused. She looked back at the wolf in the bushes and hummed once more. "Sir, I'll be right back. But you should get out of the bushes since the twigs and roots aren't very nice when they start sticking to your skin." She said and then bounced back to Shadow. "Whatcha doin'?" She asked as she sat down next to him.

Dark Knight Dark knight rose from the bushes "I'm Dark Knight by the way." he says to Seya "who might you be?" He looks at the other wolf "and who are you?' he asks he sits and waits for a response. as he waits, he sniffs at the bush. it has a sweet smell, he finds berries on it he gobbles a few.

Shadow Shadow looked over at Seya before saying, "Waiting for you. Night assigned me to make sure that none of the pack gets left behind." He then turned to Dark Knight narrowing his eyes. The male looked familiar. "Shadow and this is Seya." He answered, flicking his ears.
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Dark Knight Knight looked at Shadow "I think I've met you before, but I have not met you" he looks at Seya then back at Shadow "where do I know you from?" he asks. Knight narrows his eyes and thinks going back to memories he barely remembers, he has had memory loss lately and can't remember a lot in the field with my sister before the fire nope not the right memory (i actually do remember what happened but he doesn't)

Shadow Shadow blinked at him, "Hmm...a refresher might be good then." He said, seeing the furball leap off the tree. Frost jumped onto his back before giving Dark Knight a disdainful look. "Well, at least he isn't on our territory this time." Frost said, laying down on Shadow's back. Shadow kept watching the wolf waiting for a reaction or something. The name reminded him of something he just couldn't figure out what at the moment.
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Dark Knight Knight flinched at the sight of the fox, he remembers now. he looks on the low of his back and sees the small claw marks of a fox and looks back at the fox on Shadow's back. Knight takes a few steps back into the bush not breaking the stare

Frost Frost cackled, "He remembers now." Frost jumped off Shadow's back to a small branch as Shadow flicked his ears. Frost could tell that Shadow was remembering now too. "Hmm." Was all Shadow said before getting up, "Well, we got to get moving." He said, Frost yawned stretching.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* Seya blinked in confusion. "What had happened between you two?" She asked and shook her head. She couldn't make sense of this. She sighed. "Shadow, do you know this wolf?" She asked, looking at him. "I don't know who he is, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy."