
Hey just a quick question to any artists, how do you shade? I've been trying to do it for the longest time but it doesn't look right. What can I do to learn?

Try looking at How other artist shade (YouTube or something). Or look at art with shading. Try to kind of copy it. All artist learned it by lots of practice and copying others. I hope This helped :).

Copying other artists is not a good idea. Learning from other artists, and observing how they draw is ok, but copying them is not. You need to develop your own style. Artists do not learn by copying. Learning how to shade is a long (annoying) process, that you are never really finished with. I learned how to shade by trying new techniques, looking at tutorials, and other art. My shading is a blend of a lot of artists, and a lot of different techniques. It has also taken me a very long time to be able to shade decently. X3 I can make a tutorial for you if you like? I enjoy helping others. <3 If you do, just say so. <3 I also have some recorded drawings uploaded to youtube, but they are not sped up, and are painfully slow. XD

It's quite hard, I am struggling with you too. There are many techniques, but one I know is to do a little sun (circle with lines or whatever, not detailed) and shade like that. I personally don't like shading but it looks flat when you don't shade lol. You should try practicing it a lot.

How do i make art?i dont know if im supposed to make art on here or..Oh and when i figure out how to make art on here,do we just credit it on our drawing that we made for example"(c) Night Owl then just put in the link in the little box in account?

NightOwl said: How do i make art?i dont know if im supposed to make art on here or..Oh and when i figure out how to make art on here,do we just credit it on our drawing that we made for example"(c) Night Owl then just put in the link in the little box in account?
It's better to open your own help topic instead of hijacking I someone else's. :) Your question is very vague, and hard to answer. Could you be a bit more specific? For your crediting question- if you made the art with no references, or all of the references you own, then yes. You only need to put "©Night Owl" either on the avatar itself, or in your bio/notes. If putting it in your bio/notes, I suggest writing why you put the copyright, as it might be a bit confusing. x3