
So, I had this idea of a lion with a gem in its head that gave it special powers based off of the type of gem it has. Well then I got to the males and I was like... FIRE so now they have fire manes (females would have streak down their back all the way to their tail) the flames would change color based off of the gem. The bigger the flame the more powerful the lion.
Theyre be like, earth elementals I think.
For in the earths core the lions keep it blazing with their pride and determination.
Babies would be sexed like snakes, only with their streaks. How far the flame goes down their back. Males having it go down to their shoulders, and females having it like a tuft of cute hair on their heads!
I thought this would be kind of cute so Id like to here yalls thoughts on this! Thankyou! Edited at September 23, 2019 06:05 PM by Woofle

https://i.postimg.cc/Gh1mwXHq/0-B8-A3-BE0-241-D-47-FB-BDBE-82914-E914799.jpg Female. https://i.postimg.cc/dVsQDDRC/8-FF047-E7-B384-4-C27-895-C-807-D3-C12008-A.jpg Male with cubs. Edited at September 15, 2019 06:38 PM by Woofle

Would 100/10 buy. These are adorable OwO

I would buy them if they where digitally colored

*Silver* said: Would 100/10 buy. These are adorable OwO
Yes. I love them.

Fennec Howlers said: I would buy them if they where digitally colored
I would digitalization them of course.
Also thanks guys for the support! If it keeps up like this I will totally make these! Id love to hear any suggestions yall might have!

A flame idea. :3 I am sorta proud of this idea. Male flames- Normal males could normally have a orange red flame. Weaker ones could have yellow orange. Stronger than average could have blue orange. The strongest could have purple blue green flame manes.
Females- Females would have red orange flames. They don't need the different colors to show off like males. Rarely females flame changes.
Cubs- All cubs could have light orange flames. As they grow older the cubs flame will grow into the normal range red, and maybe stronger colors if male. But if a cub has a yellow flame it is a runt. Runts color usually darken very little when grown up.
Edited at September 15, 2019 06:07 PM by After Death

Oooooooooooh! I actually really like that! And only the pelt would be affected by the gem maybe, if it was really strong. So like.
Weak gems: no exterior markings, 50/50 shot of the eyes matching the gem color. Average gems: eyes, and nose small markings Strong gems: many, to all markings are color affected by the gem. Maybe even an aura of its ability around it.
The color would spread as the cub would age, so you wouldnt know the extent until it was an adult, even if it showed many markings.

Yeah! That sounds awesome. :0

Game Moderator Darkseeker
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