
Hello there!
Ive been trying to get into digital art recently and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for digitalizing traditional lines? Thanks in advance!

What app do you use?
DM me if you want and I can def help you :D
(primal silence's main account)

Alright here I go
So for starters I use MediBang. FireAlpaca is basically the same
Brushes: I use the pen brush and the pen (sharp) brush for lines. Youre welcome to look at my icon and gallery for examples of the result of using these brushes.
Color: Alright when doing lines, heres a DONT do: use black for lines. Its very flat and I suggest using a near black color. Like dark dark brown or really dark blue. Its much better
Brush size: I never liked thick lines, so I always used small ones. 4 pixels is the biggest Ive used
Pen sensitivity: I suggest you use a drawing tablet that has pen sensitivity. If you dont have a pressure sensitive tablet, I suggest you change up the pen size to make the image more dynamic
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Iruna has basically already ran you through everything, but I have a lil tip to get some smoother lines.
If you're using MediBang/FireAlpaca, you want to go with a size 1.2-2.3 brush. Go to the stability dropdown ( I haven't used firealpaca in a while, so it might be called something else ). It'll be on the same area you find the undo/redo icon.
Turn it up to around 20-30, and then start to draw the lines in. They'll be smooth and more stable, compared to the usual scruffy lines. Only thing is, they'll take more time. If you're doing a sketch or something, turn it down to 0-10.
Also, I usually line in a bright red or blue, then change the colour to a darker one afterwards.

Xeno Thanks for the tips!!

Oh right, what Xeno is talking about is probably called "Correction"
On medibang, there's a feature that makes your lines smoother + better looking. When you open it on PC, it's on the top slightly to the right. Put your correction on about 10 or around there and it should help with the lines ^^
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C: No problem. Feel free to PM me for help, especially with Medibang
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