
for non-tablet users (meaning use their fingers to draw on a phone or any touchscreen): have you ever tried using a tablet? what do you think of tablets?
for tablet users: when did you start using the tablet? how long did it take for you to 'learn' how to use it?
easier question: i cant draw with a tablet hejlp
edit; imma just let this thread be a place to share your opinions xD i am reading them and i appreciate the posts! Edited at July 17, 2019 09:18 PM by littletears

Tablet user ^^
I started drawing with a tablet (a wacom intuos) in January 2018 and it took me a good month drawing tons and tons of sketches every single day before I got the hang of it. My hand was cramped all the time and I got frustrated some days, but it was super fun learning how to use it properly. Without doodling a little bit every day for a month I wouldn't have developed my drawings as much, either. So, win win I suppose ^^
Long story short, its gonna suck at first for a bit but then it gets a whole lot easier and a whole lot better ^^
I much prefer drawing with the tablet rather than traditional now. Edited at July 14, 2019 04:39 PM by Wood Carve

another tablet user here.
i started doing digital art with a tablet around march 2018. an intous pro, one of the older versions. it didn't take me that long to get the hand of it-- until i realized lineart was a thing i was supposed to do. so i knew the basics in a week but took me three months to actually start doing decentish lineart. then again, i was in an art challenge group at the time so i got a l o t of practice. i definitely prefer using a tablet anytime. traditional hurts my fingers. i suggest doing small sketches and working your way up. however-- put something colorful around your stylus if it's just black. seriously. i went three months without drawing because i didn't have a stylus and uh, it was where i always left it. in my item holder.
Edited at July 14, 2019 10:37 PM by ghost

Both here.
Honestly, using a tablet was very weird at first. Since I wasn't used to using anything but my finger which has a lot more friction than a stylus, using a tablet took a while to get used to.
But after I started using the tablet, practicing, watching others, and trying lots of other things, it gets to be just kind of second nature.
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I guess I fall into the tablet category now aha I uses to do traditional and digital with my finger though aha I have a Microsoft Surface something or another laptop, which is touchscreen and I use a stylus on it so I guess it's technically an art tablet.
It is different to drawing on paper or with a finger but after a while you get used to it and honestly, I prefer it! I found it hard to get used to at first, and I havent been using it for long (like not even a month) but I already love it and totally prefer it
It has also helped me start to define my style more as beforehand my style often chopped and changed and now it's starting to settle into one Edited at July 17, 2019 08:23 PM by The11

Tablet user
I got my tablet Christmas 2018. I've used MS Paint on a PC for artwork here in November and December of 2017, and switched to my phone for the whole of 2018.
I used my finger on my phone to produce a lot of art during 2018. Around perhaps May or June, I got my first stylus pen (I never use official styluses, always cheap ones) and it felt a lot smoother to be honest.
It was second-nature to me at the time, but I doubt I'd ever be able to switch back to a screen so small now. It"s nicer to use a larger screen as you pick out mistakes more easily and you have more room to do your thing.
I don't even use a proper drawing tablet, just a regular Samsung 10" screen, and since i was familiar with Samsung already it was pretty much easy from the get-go once I downloaded medibang. 👌
Occassionally I do the rare piece on my phone, but not that often.
If I'm honest, it's quicker on my phone but it produces a lower quality.
Good luck with your art!