
Greetings! I have around 190 OCs total, and I want to use all of them. However, most of them I've grown quite bored of, but I know they'll make great characters if I develop them. I feel I have too many wolf OCs, so this is where you guys come in.
I'm going to 're-species-ify' some of my lesser-used characters. I'm going to change them into different animals, be it equine, avian or feline, mythical creatures like dragons or griffons, or even a different breed of canine. Anything goes!
So. Besides wolves, what animals do you lot like to draw?
TL;DR: Please suggest some animals besides wolves below that you enjoy drawing. Edited at April 26, 2019 12:53 PM by Cún.

I adore drawing dragons, I literally have a sketchbook full of dragon drawings :D

I like drawing cats the most
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Dragons Horses Mythical creatures like Fauns and Centaurs Cool hybrids

I like to draw snakes and lions :o

Leopards, turkish angoras, lions, hybrid wolves [horns, wings, unusually long claws] dragons, mountain lions, zebras, african wild dog

I know this is not technically an animal, but I love anything mythical, or unique ( more arms, holes, bird feet) random things that are not used often (like normal wings). But if I have to pick an animal, I belive it would be any big cat. Just love them.

Puffins or lil' raptor/utahraptor dudes ;D

Thank you all for the interesting suggestions so far!! If you want, I'll inform you if I've used your idea. I wasn't expecting so many responses o:

My favourite animal to draw is obviously cats. Butttt, I love doodling deer and horses too. Birds ( ANY type of bird ) are also a very frequent subject of mine :D