
Well hello~
So.. new year, new resolutions, right? Well, time to resolve to actively start to improve on my art. :')
I've noticed that I don't generally receive a lot of critique on my art, and that's likely because I ask people not to post in my gallery for organization's sake. But.. I do really want to improve my stuff this year. I have some things in mind that I want to work at, but I also want to here from you guys. So that's what this thread is for. :p
Here's the link to the good ol' gallery (once again, please do not post in the gallery, only post your critique in here): https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=22720&last=y
Yeah, so, just.. comment away. Praise my art, hate my art, I don't care. Say whatever you want - what I'm doing right, what I should improve at, basically anything you notice. I don't bite, I promise. ^^
Any critiques I get will go on my list of things I want to improve on, and.. we'll just see how things go for my art here in 2019. :p
That's about it, so uh... critique away!


Honestly I love your style, there's nothing to improve in my opinion :'D

The colors you choose for your artwork is very nice. The lineart is very smooth and constant, and I love the way you draw fur. I'd say that, overall, your pieces are very pleasant to look at. Though, I feel you could most improve on the faces of your characters. I know, faces are difficult. You do very well with side views, and it's mainly the front-facing characters that look a bit off. I think you could improve by making the forehead slightly shorter, the eyes a bit farther apart, and possibly making the cheeks a little less fluffy and more defined on the jaw. Again, great work. Better than what I can do at the moment, lol.

It looks like you have same face syndrome try changing up the face build from the personality of your character.
If a character is kind, friendly and likes to eat a lot he/ she might have a rounded face.

Cún. said: It's perfect
Hush ;-; Summer Storm said: Honestly I love your style, there's nothing to improve in my opinion :'D
Thank you~ :'D
WhiteWillows said: The colors you choose for your artwork is very nice. The lineart is very smooth and constant, and I love the way you draw fur. I'd say that, overall, your pieces are very pleasant to look at. Though, I feel you could most improve on the faces of your characters. I know, faces are difficult. You do very well with side views, and it's mainly the front-facing characters that look a bit off. I think you could improve by making the forehead slightly shorter, the eyes a bit farther apart, and possibly making the cheeks a little less fluffy and more defined on the jaw. Again, great work. Better than what I can do at the moment, lol.
Ahh, thank you! I'm glad my art is pleasant. xD I have been struggling with faces for quite a while, particularly at weird angles. I do have a weird thing with adding lots of cheek floof, so defining the jaw a bit more instead could definitely help o: Thanks so much for the tip!
Ticci Toby said: It looks like you have same face syndrome try changing up the face build from the personality of your character.
If a character is kind, friendly and likes to eat a lot he/ she might have a rounded face.
Was wondering if someone would mention "same face syndrome," I agree that I struggle with that. xD Thank you, I'll see how I can experiment to work on that. :D

Minus that one muzzle, you know which one im talking about, i adore your art :D

Crescent Moon Pack said: Minus that one muzzle, you know which one im talking about, i adore your art :D
You and that dang muzzle. xD Thank you though! Definitely gonna try to get better at drawing weird angles. :p

Dash Attacked said:
Crescent Moon Pack said: Minus that one muzzle, you know which one im talking about, i adore your art :D
You and that dang muzzle. xD Thank you though! Definitely gonna try to get better at drawing weird angles. :p
Since i have the same struggle myself, i expect some tips and tricks when you do get those angles in check :D

<div align="center">you do seem to know anatomy and despite possessing a style of your own, you do keep it in mind. the shading is nice, though it sometimes look a bit too blurred and sometimes it isn't even present in your drawings. the neck sometimes looks a bit weird, too rounded and thin around the head. <div align="center">you tend to make the eyes too close to each other, too big for the face proportion or too small. the muzzle also bugs me, it's too long in some drawings and curved upwards. <div align="center">
here's something i tried to correct to show you better what i mean. https://i.postimg.cc/cHnBdQB9/image.png <div align="center"> <div align="center">hope it helps ! please understand that i don't mean that your art is bad or anything else. i am just giving my opinion on something i think is not anatomically correct.
<div align="center">but your art is also super pretty ! your choice of colors is professional and it all looks great !<div align="center">keep up drawing !