
So, I've been getting into art lately. I'm very new to it and It'd be nice for some advise.
I use Kleki.com for my art. As it is the only one I can use. There is very few options in brushes and stuff, There isn't even the Fill bucket. DeviantArt does not work sense my computer is too old, And I can't download any Art programs such as Krita, GIMP, And so on. So I realize I have to work with what I have, Which is Kleki. But Kleki really sucks...So, Can any artist out there give me some advise on coloring or other online paint tools?
I'm on a Old mac. Downloading does Not Work~
Also~ I don't understand how people fill in Lineart's without going out of line or erasing some of the lines. I've tried so hard to do something but I just don't get it. So, Is there a way to color a lineart without going out of lines or making a mess? Like say, Is there something you can do that allows you to color in the Lineart but nothing on the original Lineart could erase? :3
Thanks! :3 Edited at December 28, 2018 04:08 PM by +Nikita+

Here's the one I use :) https://sketch.io/sketchpad/

I used Paint, which is already on most computers, for a while. It is simple, but can be very useful.
I've also tried a free software(?) that was recommended to me called FireAlpaca, however id didn't cooperate with me.
Both have to be installed, Paint usually already is, FireAlpaca is free to download.

Thunder Claw said:
I used Paint, which is already on most computers, for a while. It is simple, but can be very useful.
I've also tried a free software(?) that was recommended to me called FireAlpaca, however id didn't cooperate with me.
Both have to be installed, Paint usually already is, FireAlpaca is free to download.
I like Firealpaca, its what I use for all my art :) it's simple, straightforward, and has all the basics that an art program should have. Yes, I do have adobe illustrator and photoshop, but its laggy for my little ol' computer and I can't figure out how to do anything....
Plus, a drawing tablet is always nice :) better than drawing with a mouse.... Doesn't have to be super expensive, but ya know. Edited at December 28, 2018 09:52 AM by E C L I P S E

Yeah but as it says up above... XD I can't download on my old mac. :/

+Nikita+ said: Yeah but as it says up above... XDI can't download on my old mac. :/
I'm impressed if your computer is old and still works. I hardly used a computer (It was maybe 4 years old) and it just up and stopped working this summer.

+Nikita+ said: Yeah but as it says up above... XDI can't download on my old mac. :/
Oh wow I did not see that oof. I don't use my phone so I dunno...... Well my mom's mac crashed because she was doing some graphic design, and when she contacted the people they said it was not made for that... So I guess its better that you don't do art on that.... Edited at December 28, 2018 09:59 AM by E C L I P S E

Thunder Claw said:
+Nikita+ said: Yeah but as it says up above... XDI can't download on my old mac. :/
I'm impressed if your computer is old and still works. I hardly used a computer (It was maybe 4 years old) and it just up and stopped working this summer.
Yeah, I've been using it for over 8 years and it's still working. XD

photopea supports masking and all that juicy stuff like a simplified, free, online, easy-to-access version of photoshop

+Nikita+ said: Yeah but as it says up above... XDI can't download on my old mac. :/
I'm impressed if your computer is old and still works. I hardly used a computer (It was maybe 4 years old) and it just up and stopped working this summer.