
So I'm looking for critique of my art When posting pleade state what peice of art your posting for Thank you
#1 Huge wolf project [sketch] https://i.postimg.cc/pXQvpwCQ/Untitled124.png
#2 Hide and Seek [HEE contest] http://oi66.tinypic.com/rlgox5.jpg
Edited at September 18, 2018 06:54 PM by Moonshire Pack


Um they both look fine to me xD

The wolf looks great, but maybe make the belly "bigger" when it gets to its hind legs.


Agreeing with Damian. The body/ belly lines should move down a little or else the legs would look too big, hind legs mostly but front legs too. Round out the ears a little? The back hind leg looks a bit off, perhaps move it forward a bit and add a bit of an angle so it doesn't look so straight? Or perhaps it was just the paw.
I can't help on the photo manipulation though. Sorry!

the belly should be a little bigger near the back, and the nose/snout is quite pointed, I would round it out a little for a more realistic look. Other than that it looks great! Did you use a reference?

Thanks every for the critique Currantly eveyone thinks my arts only work 100-200 mush so I'm Tring to improve
And I didn't use a ref however I was studying wnatomy for hours yesterday