
Hey there! I still consider myself pretty new to doing art for people, so I wanted your thoughts.
I have an art shop open at the moment, and how it works is you request what you'd like, I draw it, you decide what you'd like to pay. The system, I understand, is faulty in many ways.
Based on what I have posted here, what do you think of the art?
What's it worth? Be as harsh as you'd like, haha!
(c) 181489
(c) 181489 https://s20.postimg.cc/gy6s3173h/Elephant.jpg
*Side Note* I've been payed a low as 1 mushroom and as much as an apple, so I'm quite lost as to pricing, and that is why I'm asking.
Edited at April 27, 2019 11:49 AM by Thunder Claw

Wow... I'm not good at prices but.... wow

Moon wolves said: Wow... I'm not good at prices but.... wow
Thank you very much.

Id say anywhere from 50-450 mush for an uncolored and 100-500 for colored
Those are great!
You need to go back to whatever jerkoff paid you only one mush and give them a slap upside the head and demand more Edited at July 7, 2018 04:31 PM by Dragon's Fire

Dragon's Fire said: Id say anywhere from 50-450 mush for an uncolored and 100-500 for colored
Those are great!
You need to go back to whatever jerkoff paid you only one mush and give them a slap upside the head and demand more
Thank you, and oh dear!
The 1 mush is from my first auction- where there were very few bidders.

Well 50 mush at least for dragon and fox and 25 mush for tiger and elephant which is adorable <3 Where is your shop ;) ?

Boarding Boar said: Well 50 mush at least for dragon and fox and 25 mush for tiger and elephant which is adorable

Here's the shop link