
Hello! I was working on a semi realistic piece, and I wanted some critique of it! If you have any hints on where it could be improved to look more realistic , I would be so thankful!! Thanks!!

Maybe expand the car side of dogs head up. ^^

I loves the fur (its much better than I can do) but double check your anatomy. Also, the dog is way to skinny. But it's really cute! I can tell you have a lot of potential.

I love it! Id suggest making the body a bit thicker and getting rid of the tongue(or repositioning it). Also, add some life to the dog's eyes if possible.
Unless it is a really small dog, that bunny isn't gonna be that big. Unless it is a giant bunny. I love it, but it isn't realistic ^^
That's all, really :D Edited at June 11, 2018 10:39 PM by Astrophel

I'm not great with canines, but I'm great with rabbits. The rabbit's nose is a V like shape, quite different from that of a dog's. And the nose isn't very pink, just a slight blush.
Here is my bunny
https://s15.postimg.cc/sqla5gf1n/3_F5_AE822-_E4_AD-43_BA-94_F0-3_C92_A48_CB008.jpg (C) me Edited at June 11, 2018 10:40 PM by Damian Wayne

Thanks everyone! I'll post some updates once I'm done

Also little note, it's supposed to be a puppy :D

Updated! I think it's better, but the eyes...
Anyone know how to add life?

Game Moderator Neutral
Maybe make the eyes a lighter, and slightly brighter brown? At least maybe a bit brighter. That could give it some life to the eyes Edited at June 11, 2018 10:56 PM by Destinations End
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Destinations End said: Maybe make the eyes a lighter, and slightly brighter brown?At least maybe a bit brighter. That could give it some life to the eyes
Thanks! Adding