

It looks like sales chat broke again. That happens when someone posts too many links or too long of a post with a link. Just wait until the post is pushed off of the screen. You can scroll down to find the box, though you probably can't chat yet. Whenever it breaks and I tap the chat box, the page reloads.

Same ^^' Torch said: It looks like sales chat broke again. That happens when someone posts too many links or too long of a post with a link. Just wait until the post is pushed off of the screen. You can scroll down to find the box, though you probably can't chat yet. Whenever it breaks and I tap the chat box, the page reloads.

Also to fix it, at least for me, I had to click the chat box, X close the tab it opened, command v the word fix, then chat.

this happens quite often, when people add too many links or stretch too much for example, no worries^^
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