
What happens when you burn flower bundle and gore bundle at the altar?
Also, what does disposition do?

ive never burned anything, but disposition is how well your wolf follows orders during battle. like if you tell a wolf to attack rabbit one and it doesnt listen or it does, depends on the disposition

I did the fur bundle and got an increase in attack power (or maybe it reduced damage taken) for 20 moves. Ive assumed they were all similar and have refused to do any more since then. Subscribing because I kinda want to know as well know.

i subbed too, i wanna know if its worth buying the items for bundles to burn or not

Burning things don't give much of anything as far as I've seen, I've burnt a flower bundle and got a boost (don't remember which one) for like 20-25 moves

I did the animal skins bundle and didn't get anything and then I did the gore bundle and got this: Your wolves feel blessed. Rabbit Slayer DH has received a stealth boost for 20 moves.