
How can i make my wolfs like each other???

You can buy an item in the apples section of the barter called make friends. Other than that there is no way.

If wolfs have the same dominance level they will fight so if you make all your wolves have different dominance pack happiness will improve. Their affinity for each other can only be changed via the item I believe. Edited at May 16, 2018 09:05 AM by Plateau Pack

Thxx for the help
(This one can be locked now)

As one last note, you can increase your Pack Happiness by removing wolves with bad affinity from the pack. You will need all wolves to have excellent affinity if you want to be able to have 100 Pack Happiness, but generally keeping wolves that have good affinity won't hurt your PH much. I recommend removing wolves with OK or lower affinity to increase PH, or use a Make Friends like another player has already pointed out. :) Edited at May 21, 2018 05:41 PM by Serial Dreamer

Serial Dreamer said: As one last note, you can increase your Pack Happiness by removing wolves with bad affinity from the pack. You will need all wolves to have excellent affinity if you want to be able to have 100 Pack Happiness, but generally keeping wolves that have good affinity won't hurt your PH much. I recommend removing wolves with OK or lower affinity to increase PH, or use a Make Friends like another player has already pointed out. :)
