
Is it normal for an alpha pair to be neutral with their whole pack. I checked over all my members and everyone either likes or strongly likes them. I don't know what to do about this. Does anyone know a solution. I really don't want to sell my whole pack.

I'm pretty sure that's how it always goes, but why would you sell your pack? Strong likes and like are good (that's how my pack is).

Idk I'm just confused. Kinda new too the game so kinda learning the yes and no's

I get what you mean
I would be worried if their relationship was bad, that's what brings down your happiness. Other than that, i think your pack should be okay

Thank you I did add one more member and it seems their happiness went up abit. This wolf gets along with them all very well :)

Btw I don't know if you know this but their happiness can go down if they're hungry, thirsty, hurt, or if 2 wolves have the same dominance. so if your happiness gets low, i could just be one of these things as well