Quests | January 18, 2018 05:40 PM | |

In gr8 quests it says to breed a find me pup, I don't know what it means
Quests | January 18, 2018 05:53 PM | |

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, as there is currently no quest that says "breed find me pup".
Could you clarify or copy/paste what the quest is telling you to do?
Quests | January 18, 2018 06:07 PM | |

Sorry auto correct made that unclear. It says breed a bridle pup
Quests | January 18, 2018 09:14 PM | |

It means one of your wolves gives birth to a pup that has a brindle marking.
This will be more likely if the parents have brindle markings.