
Welcome to Roseblood Coven Some years ago, the vampires from all around gathered under the Mist Sapling Tree to get their share of blood. Suddenly they heard a loud bang and it all went quiet, when they started mumbleing about what had just happened a man in a black coak appeared, "You must give up one of each of your Covens to start a Mega Coven...Bring them forth now.". Eight vampires came up to the man, "Now...be gone!" the cloaked man turned all of the other vampires to dust except the eight in front of him. "You eight are to make a Mega Coven..." the man faded away. Years later the heirs and other vampires that were found have started a Mega Coven, how will they survive? ---------------------------------------------------------- Open Roles First Leader Karina Wither (The Tea Drinkers) Second Leader Arriety Turner (Moss Pack) SIC(Second in Command) - Healer - Leader Fighter - Fighters Kieran Fowler (Galaxy Ghost) - - - - - - - Lead Mage - Mages - - - - - - Weaklings(Training to become Fighters or Mages) - - - - - - Will hold reservations for a day, you can have up to three characters^^ Edited at November 27, 2022 01:22 PM by Moss Pack

Sign Ups sheet: Name Preffered Name Gender Age Sexuality Rank(If mage, add what powers) Appearence Personlity Thoughts on Roseblood Coven? Likes Dislikes Strengths Weaknesses Relationship Status Crush Mate Children Other


Arriety Crow Turner Preferred name Ari, Arriety Gender Female, She/Her Age 26 years Sexuality Goes for whoever is hot Rank Second Leader Appearance Waist wavy long blonde hair, pale skin, bright green eyes, 6'6 ft tall Personality In RP, but very flirty Thoughts of Coven? She loves her Coven Likes Everything except bully's Dislikes BULLY'S Strengths Dance Fighting Running Flirting Weaknesses Bully's, Very bright sun Relationship Status Single, PM to claim Crush A lot...its a secret Mate Open, PM to claim Children Um definitely not Other N/A Edited at November 26, 2022 08:59 PM by Moss Pack

Reserve first leader please ^^
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Name Kieran Fowler Preffered Name Kieran Gender Male He/Him Age 24 Sexuality Pansexual Rank Fighter Appearence
Bleach blonde hair with his bangs dyed black, his hair short. Dark brown eyes and pale skin with a small mole below the left of his lip. Often wears combat boots with dark clothes (black t-shirts and pants), but wears a necklace with a red bead. He's 5'11 and has a little bit of muscle (you can tell by his biceps). Personlity
Cautious and cold at the start, but becomes more friendly the more you try to get to know him. Hyper aware and observant of his surroundings and is a hard worker (especiallu for helping his coven). Thoughts on Roseblood Coven? Loyal to the coven, his mother was part of it (she's deceased) and it meant everything to her, so now he wants to protect it as she would. Likes Getting a decent amount of rest, will do anything for cup of tea, loves dogs (especially german shepherds). Dislikes People disloyal to the coven, bagels (they're plain, why do they exist), and outsiders (mainly humans) being nosey about his business. Strengths
Observant Loyal Cautious Weaknesses
Probably paranoid Will make impulsive choices in order to protect something or someone which could lead to greater consequences. Relationship Status
No One Crush No One Mate No One Children None Other I have nothing further


The Tea Drinkers, Of course!

Name Karina Wither Preffered Name Karina Gender Female Age 26 Sexuality Indifferent Rank(If mage, add what powers) First leader Appearence Karina is tall, and slender. She has clear, ice Blue eyes, and long raven Coloured hair with almost purple hints in the sun. Personlity She is brave, and fiercely loyal to those she loves. She is brutally honest, and respectable. Thoughts on Roseblood Coven? Completely loyal, her family has been high ranking for forever. Likes Easy things, cold days, loves bright colours Dislikes Disrespect, lies, hot days Strengths Good leader Honest Cheerful Weaknesses Perfectionist Kinda short temper Relationship Status Single and looking hard, PM me Crush Open PM me Mate Open, PM me Children None, but she wants Other None! :D
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