
Welcome to BloodFall Coven Alpha: The alpha of a coven has to be respected, if not they will either be banished or killed... . The alpha can have a partner but that vampire would have to be the Second In Command. The alpha vampire makes all of the laws of the Coven. Second In Comand: The second in commad is just like the alpha. They can boss everyone around except the alpha. They can have a partner that is the alpha or a regular vampire. If the Alpha gets killed or hurt the second in command would take over. Healer: A healer will take care of any of the coven members if they get hurt. They can have a partner but its forbidden, they would get banished or killed. Healer Apprentice: The apprentice is a younger vampire who will take over as the healer once the original healer dies. They learn everything there is to know about healing while they are the healers apprentice. Regulars: Regular coven members are really just what they sound like. They are vampires that help aound the coven, they have to follow the alpha and second in commands orders. They can have their partners as the Second In Command or other regulars. They will be banished if they disobey orders. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Open Roles Alpha -Dylan Jennings(The Tea Drinkers) Second in Command - Ethan (Blood River) Healer - Healer Apprentice Reserved for Dawnforest Regulars - Lucy Mirage(Greysky) - - - - - - - - Edited at November 14, 2022 06:46 AM by Greysky's Pack

Sign Up Sheet: Name: Nicknames: Gender: Age: Sexuality: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearence: Personality: Type(Blood, Emotion, Soul, Nightmare): Background: Crush: Relationship Status: Born or Turned? Other:

You can have up to 2 roles!

My own role: Name: Lucy Mirage Nicknames: Lula, Nikki Gender: Female, She/Her Age: 98 in vampire, looks 24ish in human Sexuality: Heterosexual Rank: Regular Desired Rank: Satisfied Appearence: Silver/White long hair, glowing amber eyes, elegant body, pale skin, pretty Personality: In RP Type: Nightmare Background: Lucy was found in a cattle barn by the coven, she had been surviving on cow blood for her entire life. She was brought in as a regular. Crush: None, yet Relationship Status: N/A Born or Turned? Turned Other: Hi guys ^^, if you are able post a picture of what you look like for your appearence. Thank you!

Reserve alpha vampire please ^^
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Name: Ethan Nicknames: none Gender: Male Age: 20 Sexuality: Straight Rank: Alpha Desired Rank: none Apperance: Tall about 6 foot, Black hair and brown eyes, white, wearing a white tshirt with blue jeans and sneakers Personality: strong,caring, kind, brave, fast. agile. charming, loveable, protective, Type: Soul Background: Ethan comes from a family 5 from a different coven as he had left the other coven and found this one Crush: Open Relationship Satsus: Single Born or Turned: He was turned by is father Other: none

Tea Drinkers, Sounds good! I can hold it for two days.

Blood River, I can put you in beta, alpha is reserved already.

Name: Dylan Jennings Nicknames: Open Gender: Male Age: 22 Sexuality: Open (Still deciding) Rank: Alpha Desired Rank: Satisfied Appearence: Dylan is tall, blonde haired, and blue eyed. He is about 5'9, and isn't very tall compared to some other male vampires. His skin is pale, like most vampires. Personality: Dylan is a mostly reserved person, but isn't very serious. He likes to joke around, and is loyal and generous. He is fair, and does his best to keep the coven in a good place. He is respected by all, even when they don't love him. Type(Blood, Emotion, Soul, Nightmare): Soul Background: Dylan was born into a high ranking vampire family, and rose quickly to the alpha rank. Crush: None, yet Relationship Status: Open, PM me or post here! Born or Turned? Born Other: I'm getting art of Dylan, so I'll post when/if it comes :D
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