
If you are not me or crow please dont not message in the forum. Warning: there will be gayness in here as it is a MxM romance RP if you dont like lgbtq+ please make your way out. Edited at July 1, 2023 03:56 PM by Lucifer

Name: Skylar Ashton Jones Age: 18 ( soon 19) Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Personality Skylar is very laid-back to new people but also is somewhat shy. He doesn't normally interact with people but when he does he's nice. He's recently not been feeling himself, his depression has taken over for the most part but he's trying. He's getting back into his old bad habits. Sky is really into sports, horses, art and music. He also loves cats and you can almost never catch him not having his earbuds in.
He is also kind of difficult when it comes to the emotional side of him. He either doesn't know how to communicate his feelings or he has outbursts. He tries not to let his emotions show or get the best of him. Once you are close to sky he will care for you so much and be loyal to you. His favourite sports are hockey and lacrosse, he plays in a team for both. His jersey number for both is 19. He loves when people he cares about watch his games. He also is very talented when it comes to art, he also just likes it. He has a cat named Felix, he's a brown Maine coon so he's really fluffy. Sky adores him. His music taste varies so it's hard to say what he listens to. But music is one of the few things that keep him going. Sky hates cocky people, he also hates stubborn people even though he may be a bit stubborn himself. He likes being shown he's appreciated by people he gets into relationships with. His love language is either physical touch or words of affirmation. He also likes spending a lot of time with his s/o but he also likes his alone time. He is more of an introvert but is outgoing when it comes to things he loves. He's a freshman in college for sports. When it comes to intimate relationships once he's close enough he will show that person parts of him nobody else sees. He will get really comfortable with that person and feel safe around them. He's also very wary about relationships because of past relationships, so you have to show him that he can trust you. Appearance:  credits mochiibon on picrew Skylar looks very down/angry most of the time but that's just his resting face. His eyes are a beautiful green and they look great on his paleish skin. The dark circles under his eyes make him look like he doesn't sleep at all, which is true, his sleep schedule is terrible. He also has a snake bite on the opposite side of his nostril piercing (his nose is a nose silver nose ring instead of that stud), a septum and his right eyebrow done. He also has a couple of tattoos done. One for his dad, his dad sadly passed away around a year ago. Its on the inside of his elbow. Its the date of his death. He also has a heart done on his left middle finger knuckle. Hes always stood out because of the way he looks and dresses, but he likes how he looks for the most part. He just wanted people to accept him for him. Sky dresses usually in black and very bland colours, because he doesnt really like bright colors. He usually wears graphic/band tshirts or hoodies and some jeans/cargo pants or sweats. He mostly wears what hes comfortable in. Oh and both his ears are stretched to 00g and he wears black tunnels. Strengths: Active || Admirable || Loyal || Caring || Sweet || Passionate || Cooperative Weaknesses: Shyness || Public speaking || Jealous || Violent/Aggressive when provoked || Paranoid || Stuborn || Forgiving Small backstory: He grew up in a small home with his father, mother and sister. Hes always been close with his mom and sister. When it came to his father it was iffy. His dad wasn't too good of a father but Sky will always love him. Once he came out his family supported him, his dad was iffy about it but knew he had to support his son. As soon as their relationship went uphill, his dad sadly passed away. It wasn't too long ago and it's been affecting Skylar a lot, but he's going to get through it. Interests/Likes Hockey, rugby, art, music, cats, the smell of rain. He also likes feeling close to someone, both emotionally and physically. Dislikes: Dogs, school, people. Other: Hes a mama's boy, his mom always supported him.

Name Oliver clay smith Age 19 Gender Male Sexuality Gay Personality An outgoing, laid back kind of man, he cares about others and puts them first before himself. He likes to party and have a great time. He has many friends as he is very nice and easy to talk to. oliver listens to rap and rock music. People are surprised to learn about his music taste. Appearance  credit to mochiibon on picrew oliver has dark brown hair. Its fluffy but not too fluffy. He has gray-ish blue eyes and has a few piercings on his ears. He has a few freckles on his face and arms. oliver works out a bit so he's a little bit buff. He wears a black ring on his right middle finger his brother gave him. Backstory oliver still has both of his parents but they don't support the lgbtq+ community and Lucus knows that what he doesn't know is that he's gay just yet. oliver has an older brother, his name is jeremy and he's in his late 20’s they are very close and jeremy supports his brother no matter what. Edited at June 29, 2023 10:35 PM by Lucifer

lucus, cmon really. Yes im bulling you about your name selection.

stop my post posted three times. Edited at June 29, 2023 10:25 PM by Scarecrxw

Plot: Two boys both start college, wounding up playing hockey for the same team. They soon become very good friends the more they hang out before one of them figures out something about themself.. He starts catching feelings for the boy but knows he can't. He doesn't want to accept it himself and he knows his parents won't accept him either. What will he end up doing? Edited at June 30, 2023 12:28 PM by Scarecrxw

lol yes lucus, hes my baby

Lucifer said: lol yes lucus, hes my baby
Nooo I hate that namee, also do you think you could make a picrew of him. I like the visuals. I could give you to the link of the one i made of sky

fine ill change it and yea send the link please

Lucifer said: fine ill change it and yea send the link please
OLIVER, cmon now man. Okay okay oliver is better then lucus so ill take it.