
In the quiet forest of Deepspark, an unlikely relationship forms. Will others find out? Idk what to do lol


Vitryan Dysuvia Male Vampire 209 Bisexual . Physical Description Vitryan is a tall, slim, well muscled vampire with black-silver hair and blood red eyes. He has many scars dotting his pale skin, most faded. He has long fingers with normally painted, clawlike nails. . Personality Vitryan is sweet and caring to people he is close to, though may be harsh to unfamiliar people. He is very persuasive and can easily manipulate someone he wants. . [I'll add more as we go] Edited at December 21, 2022 05:51 PM by Blankspace

Okay ) Sara Willson Female Human 21 Bisexual _ Physical Description Sara is a 5.9hh lady she is skinny and she has Light blonde hair and blue eyes , she is pale skin and wears a beautiful dress with a cap to hide her hair some. _ Personally She is a shy lady, scared of talking to people and hoping to find a friend in a new town she is living with her sister which watches out for her to make sure she is not talking to the wrong guys ( I'll add more when it comes in mind)

Vitryan walked silently through the forest, his pointed ears perked for anything unusual. It wasn't often he'd stray from the forest, so he hung around common paths to wait for a good meal. . Today was a bit different, however. He wasn't searching for one to attack. He didn't excatly know what he wanted, but as he crouched in the brush, red eyes gleaming, he heard the sound of a caravan far off. Perfect.

Sara looks around the people who was talking and staring at her at the sametime, Sara sighed and walks to the main entrance of the building and calls her sister and said " answer please " no one answered her back Sara sighed . She wasn't as much of a people person but would stay just until she gets home and she was walking with a caravan at least she didn't have to be home in her parents home she wanted to be with her sister at least Sara smiles as she looks around and outside

As the caravan passed, Vitryan examined the people. He began to walk behind the group, zeroing in on a blonde-haired woman. He followed her silently, then came up behind her and clapped a hand over her mouth. He slowed down and split away from the caravan. "You be quiet, girl, and this will be much easier for you." He hissed into her ear, the pair dissapearing into the bushes. . When the caravan passed, Vitryan released her. "I'm sorry for that, you were travelling with some bad people." He said, "If you had stayed with them for much longer, you wouldnt've survived."

sara gasp before trying to hold her composer also trying not to move and once she was released she moves away from him before saying "what do you want i was just following them that way i can get to my sister house " as she looks at her phone and sighed would she ever call her back she need the help really bad . sara didn't think this would happen get caught by a guy oh what ever he was he was mysteriest and she want to get away from him and just leave but she didn't think he would let her go since he pulled her away sara sighed and said " i would like to know who you are before you kidnap me cause i don't know what i did wrong that i had to be pulled away from the group"

"My name is Vitryan Dysuvia." Vitryan introduced himself, offering a hand to shake. "And don't worry, your accomodations will be comfortable." He gave a small smile, his fangs now visible and gleaming as he adjusted his coat. "I mean no harm to you, despite my.. threatening appearance. You can trust me."

Sara said " nice to meet you my name is Sara Willson " as she kindly takes his hand and shakes it before taking her hand back and looks around what she doing there and why is she stay she can just leave Sara said " how can that be if you look more scary then being kidnap is and secondly i don't even know you " as she leans against a tree and looks at him wondering what he wanted for her until she said " i can give you money if you need it"