Prior Reply History:
The breeze seemed to whistle as Olivier shot through the sky, his wings flapping in time with his racing heart. No matter how often he did it, flying always carried a certain magick to it that he couldn't find in any other activity. Nothing could ever beat the feeling of the sun upon his scales or the way the clouds threaded through his feathers, even the zing in the air after a bolt of lightning zapped across the sky had its own remarkable edge. This experience almost made him pity those who could not have it, almost. Considering "those" were humans and Junvohs (the latter by which he had lost his pleasantries for ages ago and the former literally being the key to the destruction of his kind), one could easily see why pity would be a hard emotion to feel. Murderous intent, on the other hand, now that was rather natural.
He shook his head, attempting to clear it as he slowed to a stop above an island he had (almost certainly) never seen before. Stupid! The first rule of flying was to keep your mind in control and your eyes on the prize. After all, a distracted dragon was a dead dragon. Olivier let out a low growl in frustration at himself, already mentally preparing for the harsh rant he would receive once the other dragons found out what had happened. Again. The thought of the punishment he would receive had his stomach rolling and heart sinking. They surely would lock him in his human form and force him to muck out the expulsion rooms! What a horror! His hands would get all dirty and he would smell of excrement! Qūl knows he was already disliked enough by the rest of his nest! If he started walking around smelling like a rotted shark carcass, they may just throw him into the-
He growled again, this time louder as he realized what he was about to do. Again! Getting into his own head was hardly the smart thing to do in this situation! He needed to get his bearings! Perhaps all was not lost! Perhaps he had only flown a few hundred lengths off-course! Yes, surely that was it!
Olivier turned his head towards the fluffy clouds in the sky, squinting as he tried to make sense of where the sun was. The reef was west of his nest by a few hours and he had left the nest around sunrise. Should he have stayed his course, Olivier would have likely arrived there by midday; but, considering the sun was now far past its peak and a great deal to the right of him. He likely hadn't been on the right course for some time now. So much for only straying a few wing-beats of course! Sheep-poop!
He turned his frosty gaze back to the island, sizing it up. It didn’t seem to be anything special. The trees, although densely planted, looked young and he couldn't see or smell any signs of a human village from first glance. Perhaps it was uninhabited? He flew down lower, smiling internally at the large shadow his body cast over the island. A large dragon was a strong dragon!
There were deep indents along the rocky cliffs of the island, hinting that a nest of dragons had once called this place home, or perhaps still did. He sniffed again, flying even closer as his suspicions were proved correct. There had not been a dragon here for a long time. Olivier flew along the tree line, shifting his gaze from side to side as he looked for a good place to land. As stupid as it was to let the daylight pass by, he could already tell he wouldn't get far enough before his wings gave out. While it was a straight shot to the reef, there were hardly any islands with enough space to land until you got there, hence why only the older dragons ever made the journey, so the chances of him finding another island like this one was slim. Best take your blessings while you have them.

Cataleya was sprawled out across the meadow, her hair was partially tangled in the grass and the other parts flying around from the wind. She enjoyed this type of weather and the peace that came with it. Cat was on her back, staring up at the sky whilst her fingers picked aimlessly at the ground beneath her, a dragon free home had been her goal since she was little but now, she felt empty without something to preoccupy her time. The sun rays were beating down on her, her tan skin most likely tanning a bit more from said rays. Color always did her some good, no one wanted to look like a rotten corpse but she definitely did without it.
Her eyes shone with excitement as she watched the clouds slowly drift and form new interesting shapes, giggling to herself slightly when she thought she saw a dragon like one. She closed her eyes, not thinking much of it, just breathing in the air. She noticed a shadow passing behind her closed lids, that was odd. The clouds were too high to cast shadows, much less moving at the speed the shadow seemed to be moving. She opened her eyes, raising her hand to shield them from the sun and squinting up. A form that was a bit far off from her was moving almost in a straight line before she saw a flap of some fairly large wings. A dragon.
Cataleya's eyes shot open, her body jolting upright almost instantaneous. A dragon!! She thought her and the guild killed them all ages ago! She scrambled to stand, nervous about fighting a dragon for the first time in so many years. Cat began hailing for the much too small and only village left on the island, the place where innocent people and her guild who could help did reside. Her mind raced with flashbacks from her childhood, she couldn't lose everyone and thing she held so dear all over and all at once again. No one should endure such a cruel fate.
When she did make it to the village, her eyes scanned the area. People were out and about living their lives, unaware of the lurking danger that they all thought they had overcame. 'Dragons!' she screamed, hearing as it was swiftly met with the chiming of bells to signal the danger and the loud screams of panic. Children wept as they were interrupted from their play and moved indoors. Her guild hall! she turned on her heels, headed for the building with an ok sized tower attached to it's rear.
Her guild members were racing about, stocking up on gear and weapons. They were ready and a lot of them were excited to finally have another challenge, living a regular life had bored so many of the hunters. Cataleya grabbed what she could, heading to the tower with her mates. They always did try to shoot the dragon down first, it made them easier and more vulnerable to vanquish. Everyone began to get ready to fire, loading their weapons.
Cataleya herself was equipped with a short dagger on her thigh via a strap, and a crossbow. All she would need for now, especially if they were lucky enough to end the dragon before they needed to close the distance between them. 'You're up, Slayer. We're ready when you are!' one of her members chirped. They always let her go first since she was the best shot of the group, she liked it. Sometimes it led to her getting some nice bragging rights. Cat nodded towards him before aiming her crossbow to the sky, lining the dragon up within her sights. She waiting for it to fly closer.

Olivier had slowed down considerably, his wings aching. For as strong of a flier as he was, he was also fairly young and still had a lot of growing to do. Dragon shifters and their bonded could live to hundreds of years old with relative ease ( their age slowing to match that of the creatures that had blessed them), so at the ripe age of 23 (ish), Olivier was still but a hatchling.
The sound of bells made his head snap to the north, eyes narrowing as they tried to distinguish the source of it. It wasn't a natural noise, no, someone had to be making it. In fact, now that he had gotten closer the sound of screams and creaking iron aided to the racket the bells had created. Were these creatures in danger?! It certainly sounded like they were distressed, but he couldn't truly know if they were in trouble. Not without getting a closer look! The Dragon Shifter urged his wings to flap faster and faster, ignoring the way he wobbled slightly at the added exertion. People needed saving! And if he remembered correctly, saviors always were rewarded! Perhaps he would finally receive a gem to add to his (supper barron) collection. Olivier let out a loud roar, glee bubbling through him. Whatever danger these creatures were in, well, let's just say that there isn't a monster alive who can out run (or fly, for that matter) a dragon.
The fire in his belly started to bubble, thrashing as it worked its way up his throat. It was hardly a pleasant feeling, but it was one he had gotten used to over the years. He would be ready to shoot the moment he could see what he was supposed to be shooting at-
And then an arrow whizzed past him.

Cataleya let a curse slip past her lips, watching as her arrow whizzed past the large flying beast. Her members eyed her, it was rare for her to miss like that, they probably thought something was up with her. In reality, she was admittedly out of practice since slaying what they had thought was all the dragons.
Open Fire! She shouted, allowing them to begin their own barrage of assault against the beast. All they needed was one good shot and then she could go recover the corpse to bring back to the village. Her mouth watered as she thought about the feast the villagers would host in reward to her fearlessness.
Cat shook her head, trying to clear her mind from such a wonderous distraction. A clear head made for a clean battle. She readied herself to fire again, this time hoping for better hit. she aimed to the skies, put her crosshair just ahead of the creature this time so it would time right.
The crossbows bolt released, flying through the skies. She squinted as she watched it, her hair flying in the wind. She just needed to down the thing.

Olivier let out a loud wail as the arrows started to rain down upon him. He made quick work of dodging the worst of them; but soon found his already exhausted body reaching the point of muscle failure. His wings faultured ( unable to flap in beat anymore) and he dropped a few feet before fighting back up to his original air position. There was no way this was going to end well.
Most of the arrows bounced off harmlessly after hitting his scales, they were nearly impenetrable after all, but Olivier knew it would only be a matter of time before one hit its mark. And what was worst of all: he had no way of stopping them. Fire would only stop the arrows for a short time and there was no possible way he could manage to fly far enough away in the state he was in. His other ability on the other hand. Well, he preferred to not even think of it if he could. And the situation, as bad as it was, was not yet bad enough to think of it. He doubted it ever would be.
The dragon shook his head from side to side, eyes searching the forest below desperately for a way out. He lashed his tail, sending an array of arrows to the forest floor. Harmless. Time seemed to speed past him as he dropped another few feet. There was no way he was going to get out of this alive! No chance at all! The dragon was about to let out another wail when he stopped it (it being a small cave only a few dragon lengths away). It wouldn't be a perfect solution, but so far it was the only solution he had. Without thinking or checking to see if the coast was clear, Olivier started towards it. He twisted his body, attempting a final “Hail Mary” before his likely fall from the sky. That was mistake number one.
An arrow whizzed at him from the north, finding purchase in the softer flesh under the feathers on his wings. He let out a roar of pain, his wings finally giving out. The white dragon plummeted towards the forest floor, landing with a sickening thud that seemed to echo throughout the wood.
Olivier let out another weak wail, body convulsing as he shook the arrow from his injured wing. Already he could feel the effects of the fall: his left leg ached something fierce, It must be broken, or at least sprained; and his vision was fluttering in and out of focus. The Dragon shifter could feel his concentration breaking as his body shifted unwillingly into his smaller, much weaker form. This transformation only served in making the pain much worse, and it only took a few moments before the world went dark around him.

Cataleya's eyes followed as the beast fell, a thud echoing out through the trees and village. They did it! She smiled and cheered with the rest of her guild members, some patting her on the back. The original miss from earlier was now forgotten about as everyone began doing aftermath clean up from the dragon fight.
Cat herself was going to go snag that dragon, it's head would make a fine rewards and the scales always did serve as such nice armor. She knew it to be alive still but injured for sure so she quickly made a small detour, grabbing a long sword and strapping it to her back. Her tiny dagger would remain on her thigh for any sneaky attacks needed.
She began the trek towards where the thought she saw the dragon land, often looking up at the sky to track her whereabouts via the unmoving clouds. The sky darkening slowly as the day went on, possibly a storm coming in?
Eventually she came upon a creek of such, the water just gently babbling in the background. Cataleya stopped, every fighter needed a break to keep themselves strong and at the ready. She cupped her hands, dipping them into the moving water before scooping them out. Swiftly, she lifted her hands to her lips and drank. Only a little had dribbled from her hands thanks to her haste.
Her thirst was parched after a few more quick scoops of the water, Cat dumped the remainder from her hands and onto the ground. Standing again, she once more continued her journey forward.
The next stop was different, she could have sworn up and down this was where she had seen the beast fall. Yet something was off, no sign of such a huge thing was in sight. Cataleya did some observing, searching for anything that could tell her what she was missing. Signs pointed to her being right, a few broken branches and a large patch of smooshed grass.
Quite odd. . . She continued her look around, giving up and assuming it took off while she traveled to get here. A crackling of thunder set off in the distance. A sigh escaped past her lips as she took in the area to remember which way was home, she did not want to travel in a storm.
Cat's eyes landed on a cave, she could just spend the evening there or wait the rain out depending on what came first. She hurried inside, gasping at the sight. A human! They were injured as well! Cat assessed the damage as best as she could from the mouth of the cave. Did the dragon do this to them?
Cataleya moved to their side and looked them over, a possible break or sprain from the slightly weird angle but wasn't quite sure as she was no expert in that sort of field. A couple of scrapes and cuts. She did a mental note of everything before leaving to hunt for firewood.
When she did return, the rain had begun it's descent and drenching her before she made it back. Cat built the fire in the cave to keep them warm, using leftover sticks to brace the injury on the human. She studied the face, concluding the human to be male off of the jawline and he had.
He was quite handsome compared to some of the men in the village, his face and features gave off a softness to him and not to mention the hair. She shook her head, continuing her work. He was definitely going to complicate things for her but in what way was yet to be seen by Cat herself.

Olivier's vision flooded in and out, shapes becoming nothing more than defined blobs before fading back into darkness. He was almost sure at one point he saw a human's face, but there was little he could do about that now. Heck, he hardly even knew if there even was anyone there! Out of all the stupid things he had done in his life, and there were a great many, this had to be the most stupid! How could he have been so foolish!
His head pounded with each breath he took, his whole body aching. It was like an echo of pain, one stab setting off another. The Dragon shifter let out a pained grunt, swearing he heard something rustle beside him. But again, he was still too out of it to do much but squeeze his eyes tight and hope that whomever it was that had found him (if there was actually anyone) would hold enough mercy in their heart to make his death a quick one.
Likely they wouldn't, but a Dragon could dream, couldn't he?
When Olivier made to open his eyes for the second time, he was met with considerably less blobs and harsh colors. Granted, his vision still wasn't even close to the shifter-boosted clarity it had been before, but this was definitely an improvement. At least he wasn't blinded by a stray twig or stone during his fall! If anything, he had gotten rather lucky in the wound department. A quick mental check of his body told him he most likely had a concussion, as well as a great many bruises along with the obvious arrow wound. Olivier tried to shift his left leg, frowning as he realized he had most likely been correct in his earlier thought when he assumed it was broken or sprained. Now that he could think clearly, his money was on the sprain. But then again, what did he know about healing?
The shifter let out a frustrated sound, flinching as the sound of twigs against earth ran through the cave. THE CAVE! He sat up quickly, trying to ignore the ache in his head that was threatening to come back something fierce, as he attempted to get his bearings. If this was the same cave as he had seen earlier, then there was a high chance that if he can get airborne and fly fast enough far enough, he could get out of here easy peasy. The only problem with that, though, was his injuries. They would feel much more manageable in Dragon form, but his body wouldn't likely allow him to shift back again for another few hours, days. Crap.
He glanced around the cave, eyes signaling in on a couple objects right away. A small make-shift fire pit lay in the center of the cave, far enough from the entrance that the near constant downpour wouldn’t drench it, but close enough to still allow oxygen to get to it. Smart. He shifted his leg again, tipping his head to the side as he glanced down at the foreign thing wrapped around it. Someone had been here, clearly. The fire gave that away, obviously, but they were clearly human from the looks of the item around his leg. A clearly non-medically trained human as the ties around the two sticks that framed his leg were tied clumsily. It was nice of them to try though.
Speaking of said human, where were they? It would be foolish of them to go out in the rain, and they weren't in front of him so they had to be-

Cataleya hummed softly, the fire had quickly warmed and brightened the cave up while the rain continued its downpour. She enjoyed rainy days, the sound of the rain hitting the ground or a roof was always so calming for her.
She glanced over to the human, checking to see if he had shifted at all. She would need to reapply the wrap on his leg if so and quite frankly, she wasnt sure it would look as good as it did if she had to redo it.
To Cat's surprise, the human was awake. He was just staring at her. She glanced about, unsure of what to say or do. "Im sorry, you were injured so I was just trying to help. I can leave now if that would make you more comfortable?" she asked him.
Although in reality, Cat was not quite ready to leave. She had so many questions for him, like why was he out here all alone? Did he even hear the villages bells to warn of the incoming beast awhile ago?
Her mind began racing with all her questions, overwhelming her a tad. So she sat down on the cave floor, shaking her head to try and clear her mind. That seemed to do the trick, at least for the moment.
Cataleya always did have such a problem with worrying and being nosy, she didnt want to come off this way to a total stranger so as she awaited a response she composed herself, eager to hear if she could wait the storm out or not with this man.

Olivier tipped his head to the side, regarding the human before him with slightly narrowed slightly glowing eyes. Or was that just the reflection of the firelight? She didn't seem too menacing, but then again, she didn’t seem like anything yet. Her dark hair was done up in an odd style, chunks of it piled up on her head with the rest of it braided together down her back. It was rather intriguing, if he was being honest. Dragon Shifters always wore their hair down or in braids, seeing no point in restricting it any further than that. It was rather refreshing to see something new, actually. And her eyes-
She spoke, startling from his thoughts. Had he not been a fearless Dragon Shifter, Olivier probably would have jumped out of his skin. Her voice was smooth and carried a slight note of unease. Clearly she found him more intimidating than he found her. Lovely. First impressions can win wars just as quickly as blades can, if you know how to use them. But then again, she also seemed very curious. A trait that could be highly beneficial or highly unfortunate, the difference depends on the situation, and one that Olivier found highly interesting.
"So you are the one who attended to my injuries." He said softly, the fair tenor of his voice cutting through the silence of the cave like a heated knife through butter. His accent was thick and clearly foreign, but also impossible to place. "You lack mastery in such a skill, I hope you know that. Nevertheless, I do thank you. Without your care I suspect I would be in much worse shape than I am-"
The Dragon Shifter attempted to stand, letting out a gasp of pain and falling back down as pain shot through his body. Apparently he was in deeper trouble than he had once thought. Just wonderful!

Cataleya, stared into his eyes. Could they be glowing slightly or was she imaging things? She found his eyes almost enchanting but once again cleared her thoughts, she had to stay focused! Plus, shed be embarrassing if he caught her staring.
The way he spoke was alluring and mysterious all in one, from where could he be to have such an accent? She could not recall a place where someone sounded similar to him.
Cat cleared her throat and responded to him, slightly taken aback by his comment about his leg wrap. "Well, yes. Id like to see you try to wrap a leg with little to work with and in a hurry to beat the rain, its not as easy as you may think." she tut.
When he thanked her, a light blush crept on her cheeks that was almost unnoticeable. "Well, youre welcome! Im glad you could see how much wo-" Cataleya was quickly interrupted mid sentence as the man tried and failed almost immediately at standing.
"Hey, Mister! You cant just pretend youre fine, nor should you be trying to stand so quickly! I can help walk you back to the village if youre in such a rush but you need to take it easy. Youll probably be out of commission for a few days if only a sprain or a few weeks if a break." she commented, eyeing him carefully.
Cataleya was ready to pounce if he tried standing again, she wouldnt dare let him injure himself further on her watch. A strand of hair floated into her face and she gently blew it up and out of the way as she awaited for the mans next move.

Olivier ground his teeth, eyebrows furrowing. She did have a point. As a dragon, injuries like these wouldn't have done much but been a bit of a nuisance, but as a human. Well, let's just say she was right. There would be no way he would be able to walk for at least a few days (if not longer) and that didn't even take into consideration the healing time of his other injuries or getting strength back into his leg. He was grounded. Quite literally.
The village? He suspected that is where she had come from. The same village that had shot him down only moments (perhaps hours) before. Yes, that sounded like a great idea! He was just about to open his mouth to make a smart remark, when he caught himself. The result of that action had him looking a bit like a cod out of water, but Olivier didn't seem to care. Perhaps it was a good idea! The Queen of his nest was always telling the Draglets that the best place to hide was in plain sight, and what is more in plain sight than the heart of the Human's nest!? As long as he was careful, there would likely be no way anyone would figure out his secret before it was too late! And perhaps in this "village" he could find some warm food and something more comfortable than stone to lay his weak human form upon, and perhaps better medical assistance as well. No offense intended to the woman, of course.
"Yes, I do believe you are right. The village may be a good idea," he murmured, meeting her eyes once again. She appeared to be even more on edge then when he had first seen her, perhaps it was his actions that had set her off. How odd. Humans had always seemed to be bloodthirsty monsters, but perhaps she was a part of the minority that wasn't? That wasn't likely, he thought to himself, but one certainly could hope.

Cataleya smiled and nodded at him, more than happy to help. She got next to him, grabbing his arm and hoisting it around her shoulders to help him stand.
Once standing, she began walking slow enough to the cave's mouth so that he could keep up with her pace. She remembered the way back fairly well and the rain was now down to a sprinkle, making her life easier with backtracking her remaining footsteps that were not washed away.
"So, nice to finally meet you. It was odd having a total stranger passed out for a few hours that I had to take care of, nothing new but odd. I'm Cataleya Finby but please, call me Cat. Less of a mouthful if you asked me." she chattered.
"How did you find yourself out here before the dragon attack? Did it hurt your leg or perhaps you took a tumble while trying to escape the mighty beast?"
Cat bit her tongue when she realized how chatty she was being, on top of the third degree questioning. She felt a slight blush creep up, dusting her cheeks and across her nose. "Sorry. . ." she muttered, poking her tongue in her cheek after to keep herself quiet.

Olivier let out a low grunt, his body resting heavily against hers. Even with her help, he was clearly struggling. Dam fall.
"I bet it was," he admitted, looking over at her as best he could. "I think you'll find I don't get any less odd" The Dragon shifter had said that as an attempt to charm the human, after all, he wasn't going to make it safely in and out of her village without her help, but, he had also said it to excuse any odd thing he did. If she thought him to be naturally a bit "off his rocker" then anything he did outside the norm would be somewhat accepted. "Cat," He said, switching the subject, "It is lovely to meet you as well. I admit I wish we could have met under far less, heavy circumstances." A slow smirk spread over the Dragon Shifters face. Yes, his charm was in full force. "I am Olivier, by the way."
Olivier said his name with an unnaturally smooth drawl, his accent making it sound as if he was singing the word rather than speaking it. He listened to her questions thoughtfully, practically dead weight against her as they walked slowly out of the cave. "You needn't be sorry, Cat." He said, glancing at her once again. "I enjoy talking about myself, don't you worry about asking too many questions."
The dragon shifter took a moment to think, attempting to build a story in his head quick enough to not raise suspicion. "Well, I was out in the forest gathering some herbs when I heard your bells! They spooked me a great deal, as I don't remember hearing them for quite some time! And then I saw the dragon!" He paused for a moment, stopping their slow shuffle forward. "He-er it was rather beautiful don't you think?"

Cataleya was beginning to struggle a little the longer they walked on, not use to carry so much extra weight. She didn't want to stop for a break or let alone look weak in front of a stranger so she pressed on, trying her best to hide the fact.
As he introduced himself she smiled and nodded along as he spoke. "It's nice to meet you, I do warn I'll give you some horrid nickname in honor of meeting you in such an odd way. She thought it over before spouting out one on the spot. 'Ollie!'
Her eyes twinkled as she giggled, her nose slightly scrunching up. Cat always did find herself humorous, more so than most. Her hope was for him to hate it so she could tease him, she always liked to poke fun when she could.
Cat's laugh died as she paused for a quick moment, thinking his question over about the dragon's beauty. "I do admit, I envy the freedom they must enjoy. I can't imagine soaring through the air and what it must feel like. Plus, when they're young they can be quite cute. Like cats almost, cuddling up for warmth and such."
Her eyes lit up with an emotion that was unplaceable, however, could most closely be compared to excitement or admiration as she spoke about the way dragons soared.
Cataleya shifted him a little to help relieve some of her pain while they walked, they had already begun putting a good distance between themselves and the cave so there really was no going back now. She just had to hang on a little while longer.

The Dragon-Shifter glanced at her, frowning. "Ollie? I detest that you feel the need to shorten such a noble name such as 'Olivier' to a name befitting of a pet." His voice carried a deeper tone, but hardly sounded harsh. As much as he supposedly detested the nickname, Olivier didn't seem to mind enough to order her to stop. It seemed he enjoyed a good spot of banter.
"Cute indeed, although I don't know if cuddling is the best idea. Most dragons do not gain control of the fire in their belly until long into their fifteenth pass of the moon." The 'pass of the moon' was an old term for around 24 days, hardly used anymore besides in textbooks or in the retelling of old stories. Another hint that Olivier wasn't from anywhere around here, yet he had alluded to being just that. Odd.
"Flying seems to hold a great deal more enchantment than it should," He murmured, trying to keep the lie from his tone. Olivier loved to fly. It was his most favorite thing to do, and more often than not the elders got on him for his long 'fly-breaks.' Yet, he mustn't tell the human that. For as nice as Cat seemed, humans were known for being two-faced creatures. She could just as easily stab him in the back as she could re-wrap his injuries. And she would likely be better at stabbing him.
"Perhaps we ought to take a break?" He asked slowly, attempting to shift the subject from Dragon's before he made a vital mistake. "For as strong as you are, Cat, I am far from light and am not really doing much to assist you in carrying my load. There is no shame in taking a few moments to collect one's strength back."

Cataleya giggled again, gently prodding her index finger from her free hand into his side. "Oh, come now! Dont be such a downer, Ollie!" she teased him.
When he mentioned the pass of the moon she paused for a moment before quickly brushing it off. While she knew it was odd, she didnt think anything further about the comment.
She hummed a tune to herself ever so softly as they walked on, ignoring his statement about needing a resting break. She could do it, they were nearly there by now.
Her eyes wandered around, taking in the forest around the pair. It was either late summer or early fall, she could tell by how many leaves engulfed the ground at their feet.
"So, Ollie! Tell me about yourself since youre currently stuck with me." she quipped, glancing at him to show that he had her full attention. Maybe he would reveal something about himself that would explain as to why he was so strange and spoke in dead terms. Perhaps she could discover the real Olivier.

Olivier laughed, shaking his head. "I like to be a downer. That is fact one about me, Kit." He purred. Clearly two could play at the nickname game. The Dragon-Shifter pretended to think about a reply to her question, making a big show of it.
"Well, I am devastatingly handsome for one thing, although I am sure you already noticed that." He flashed a pained smirk her way, his body starting to really protest against all of this walking. "But outside of my looks, I think you will find that I am just as handsome inside as out. The perfect man, really. Everyone from my island, I mean village, is rather perfect." He hoped she would ignore his slip-up, and made himself promise to be much more careful next time. This human did really have a sort of infectious energy around her. He was sure prolonged exposure to her charms could do some serious damage. That being said, he best did some damage control while it was still easy to do so. "My island-village being blessed by the gods and all that. You know, like the stories once said." Again, he made the mistake of alluding to VERY old stories. Not that Olivier knew that though. To Dragons, time passed far differently and English was almost never spoken. Hell, they probably hadn't had an update of the current state of vocabulary since the killings started.
"But enough about the perfection that is me! I want to know about my darling savior! Do, little Kit, tell me all about yourself! I am just chomping at the bit to know!"

Cataleya could not physically roll her eyes any harder if she tried, the man was a menace. She shook her head at his nickname for her, all was fair in the world but that didnt mean she wouldnt complain herself about it. "Kit isnt even close to my real name, you fiend." she mumbled after he rambled about himself in response to her previous question.
"As for your looks, you look like a huge mess at the moment. If it had not been for me, youd be nothing but dinner to a dragon. I dont think your looks couldve saved you from that." she spoke in a matter of fact tone, trying her best to hide the small smirk on her face.
It was nice to Cat to finally have someone who understood her humor and batted it right back at her, most of the villagers found her to be quite annoying at times to hold a conversation with for longer than need be.
She paused again as he mentioned an island and stories, this time it was noticeable. "Youre not actually from around here, are you, Ollie?" she was asking for confirmation but it came off more like a statement.
Perhaps the man was having some personal issues regarding his family or something? He was very strange, so much that it could not unnoticed to Cataleya now. She decided to begin taking notes of every strange thing he would say or do in the future, making a mental note to herself to perhaps write it down later when she was alone.
Cat was growing curious more so by the minute, more so by what he revealed as he spoke. She would find out where he was truly from, maybe she knew the place or the people there. After all, her guild of dragon slayers travel on the occasion to help other people with their dragon problems.
Cataleya shook her thoughts clear, realizing she had been sitting still and thinking for quite sometime now. "Apologies, needed that break after all! All good now though!" she recovered swiftly, putting a wide smile on her face. He seemed so nice, what could he be hiding that could be so bad anyway?

"Isn't it? Your name is Cat, so I could call you Kitten! But that just sounded so gaudy in my head, so I decided to call you Kit. And I, my darling, am hardly a fiend. I am a distinguished gentleman who is doing you a great service by putting up with your company!" He teased, putting a hand over his heart in an exaggerated gesture of mock-pain. So dramatic.
Olivier stopped short for a moment, thanking whomever was up there that Cat had stopped first so it didn't seem so odd that he would be a bit 'clumsy.' Perhaps he had been too obvious, although he doubted it. There wasn’t much that he was doing that wasn't textbook perfect with what he had been taught as a draglet. "An eye for an eye, Kit." He murmured, voice darkening to a far cooler tone that seemed to chill anyone who heard it to the bone. "You haven't yet answered my question, so I shall hardly answer yours."
He blinked, brighing considerably as she started moving again. "Ah yes, indeed! I do apologize as well, the pain seems to be messing with my head. No other time would I speak to anyone in such a way. " Olivier tried to ignore how the pain made his skin warm to an even greater temperature. He had done his best to keep all parts of him that Cat touched completely clothed to hide his warmth, but the sudden stop had impacted their position and even though he did move quickly to fix it, Olivier wasn't sure if he had been quick enough. Time for another distraction, then. "But I must ask how on earth you got me to respond to such a nickname! Clearly you must be some sort of enchanter, Kit!"

Cataleya scoffed at his dramatic play, shaking her head once more. "A fiend indeed, Ollie-O" she muttered as they moved on in the conversation. She was going to keep giving the man many nicknames if he wanted to call her Kit.
She raised an eyebrow at him slightly as he mentioned his previous question, she rarely enjoyed opening up and to strangers especially. She thought for a moment of what to give him so he would leave her be about it. "I enjoy cleaning, Im quite boring really. Feel free to ask me anything though and Ill do my best to answer to you satisfaction." she responded to him, noting the weird tone he used.
This man was odd no doubt, as if he wasnt human. A preposterous idea that she quickly wiped away, he very clearly was human. Especially due to the very human injury she was currently helping with.
Cataleya didnt notice the warmth, brushing his weirdness out of her mind once more. Her eyes moved to find his, they were so captivating for her. Its as if they glowed slightly, the color was rare to see in most of her village.
Cat soon discovered she was staring and rapidly blinked, quickly looking at the ground as she answered his question about her nickname for him.
"I am actually secretly a witch and Ive put a spell on you to only answer to me when I call you by such name, quite an easy spell at that." she teased, another giggle escaping from her as she laughed at herself.

Olivier blinked at her, a slow smirk spreading across his lips as she continued to look at him. It unnerved him a tiny bit, after all if she knew what he was, well, death wouldn't be too far behind.
"See something you like, Kit? Perhaps someone?" He teased, attempting to calm his nerves by changing the subject. The Dragon-Shifter thought for a moment, the smirk still on his lips. "All right, in an effort to not bombard you with questions, I shall ask you three and shall answer three in return. Should you allow an answer to but one of my questions, I shall answer only one of yours. And I hope you know I detest Ollie-O."
"Question one: your favorite color; question two, what is your job in your nest-village; and lastly, three: what do you know about dragon's?"
Olivier laughed, shaking his head. "Yes, very crafty of you! I tremble in fear!" He attempted to add a bit more wobble to his step for emphasis, but only succeeded in losing his balance and falling flat on his side. The dragon-shifter let out a loud "OOF" as his body hit the ground with a loud thud. He quickly looked up at Kat, fixing his most menacing glare at her. "Not. A. Word."