
His thoughts were interrupted suddenly. "Prince Lucian, your presence is required in the Throne Room." He turned around, and there in the doorway stood one of the castle's maids in a bow. "You're dismissed." Lucian sighed, getting up. The maid nodded and straightened, leaving. What do they want now... Lucian sighed again, exiting his room and walking to the Throne Room. Upon getting there, he stood before his parents. "You called?" The two rulers exchanged glances before looking at him again. "We have decided that it is time for you to marry." "Excuse me, what?" Lucian exclaimed. . . . Lucian was now in the In-Between lands, lands that neither kingdom held possession of. He sighed, sitting down underneath a willow tree. He folded in his white and blue wings, and curled his tail around himself. Closing his eyes, he breathed in and out, de-tensing his muscles and relaxing. Edited at November 6, 2022 06:43 PM by Crystal Hills

The canine sighs, his fur pressed down neatly as he attempted to stay calm after this.. explanation. Birch glares at his parents with a look of spite, before storming out into the fields. Why? What did I do to deserve this? . Dark colored eyes scan the way, white fur catching his eyes quite a ways away. This was a place that he came alot, so seeing.. them here was a rarity. Perhaps there was a reason.. . The canine pads quickly down the hill a quick, snappy bark set off to get the others attention. At this point it was more curiosity than anything, as Birch wasnt too fond on fighting anyone. His grey and black fur stood out from the green grass, he was not hard to miss at all.

Lucian tensed all over again as he heard the quick bark of someone else as they approached. Opening his eyes and scanning his surroundings, he saw... grey and black fur? The only wolves with dark-themed fur were the demon wolves. So why...? He got up from where he was sitting, and returned the bark. "Hello. What brings you here?" Lucian politely asked. He did not want to start a fight in these lands.

Birch sits down to face the other, blinking softly in almost concern. "Dunno, why are you here? I've never seen any of you out this far.. ever." He shrugs, tail thumping on the ground softly. . Why is this so.. calm? Normally we're so.. hostile towards each other these days. . Birch wanted to say more, but didnt. He simply watched the other with patience, a soft expression on his face.

Lucian was also wondering why this encounter was so peaceful. "I... I just wanted to get away from my kingdom for a little bit. Too much going on, y'know?" He slumped a little, as if he was too overwhelmed. "What about you? What brings you here?"

Birch nods, humming in acknowledgement. "Err.. reasons." He blinks slowly, trying to clear his mind from all the jumbled thoughts. . "Do they know you're out here?" That had a little twinge of uncertainty in it, as he didnt necessarily want to just caught here, with an enemy, by the enemy. That would just be a recipe for disaster. Without waiting for a response, Birch jumps up and ruffles his fur. "C'mon, I want to show you something!" Without waiting, he bolted towards a boulder nearby.