
B) Get up and start walking

Game Moderator Neutral
Raging Flames Picking up your bag and putting it on your back then grabbing your box, you got up and started walking. You listened for any creatures either on ground or up high. The setting sun let out a glow but so far you haven't found any. You faintly hear movement all around you. On your left was a large tree with several branches that you could climb to either see if something is up there or look in all directions but the tree is old and the branches could break if you are not careful. On your right was a black bird that reminded you of a crow or raven as it stared at you. You data pad pinged rather unhelpfully the minute the two of you locked eyes. In the straight forward path you were walking there was the sound of a splash as if something had hit the water. Thoughts: A) Stare at the bird B) Climb the old tree C) Go towards the loud splash
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C) Go towards the loud splash

E. I want to start by asking a light question, then compliment her a little more. If she doesn't seem too interested, I'll be playful and place one of the squirrels on her brother's head.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade You asked the female dog a question while offering some more compliments only for her to sniff the ground and ignore the question as well compliments. You didn't mind because you had a idea that you hoped would amuse the female dog. Grabbing one of your squirrels then you called for the female dog's attention and carefully you placed the squirrel on the male dog's head. There was the sound of joyful barks from the female dog while the brother and the squirrel were frozen as they stared at you. The female dog excitedly nosed the apple in your hand then looked at her brother then at you. Always a idea: A) Put the apple on the brother's nose B) Put apple away and think of something else Raging Flames: You inch away from the bird then headed into the direction that the splash came from until you came across a river. Trying to find the exact location where the splash in the river came from but you couldn't as it was now pretty dark. Maybe you could rest until morning or turn on the lantern to continue or just walk in the dark without any light? Thoughts: A) Rest until morning B) Turn on lantern and continue to search C) Walk without light and search
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A. Put the apple on his nose
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B) Turn on lantern and continue to search

Game Moderator Neutral
Night Shade Reaching over as the female dog realized what you were going to do and began running circles around your legs resulting you almost falling but you placed the apple on her brother's nose then tried balancing the apple so it stayed on the black nose until you were sure it was staying. The female dog gave out happy barks when she saw her brother with both the squirrel and the apple on him. It looked like the female dog was either a mischief maker or playful or just plain excitable. The female dog was running circles around your legs still with her tail apparently hitting you sometimes while the male dog looked resigned to his fate but you saw a happy glint in his eyes that you made his sister happy. You may not be able to work with the female dog as she was still running circles so you could focus on her brother or try calming the sister down. Plan? A) Focus on the brother B) Try not to get dizzy and try to calm down the sister dog Raging Flames Turning on your lantern then looking around only to find a pair of eyes staring at you before it disappears into the water. Not sure what it was but that is fine despite no ping from your datapad. There was the hoot of a owl as it appears you are no longer being followed. A pair of white rabbits ran past you in the lantern light followed by what may have been a fox. What would you like to try to look for first? A) Big cats B) Small cats C) Wolves D) Foxes E) Dogs
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A. Focus on the brother while she calms herself down
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