
B) I will go look else where!

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KatieXiX Holding your feline and making sure you grab your stuff before leaving the big barn where you saw the sun was setting. Looking around you saw the small barn, the shed and the house that each may have a new friend but you are not sure where to look yet. The barn, shed and house look very old so who knows what could be in each of them. Where would you like to search? A) Small Barn B) Shed C) The House Night Shade Not wanting to push any pressure on the female dog so you decided to compliment her a bit making her ears perk up a little and her tail wag a little faster. She tilted her head a little at you before looking at her brother who was not looking at her but at you and appeared to be trying to shoot you a reassuring look: "keep trying" The compliment worked at a little but she was still uneasy yet the brother wanted you to keep trying. Should you keep complimenting her or ask her questions? You could keep trying or give up on the female dog? Plan? A) Keep trying B) Give up
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Wait I'm confused on what I have to do o-o

Game Moderator Neutral
Rogue Reindeer said: Wait I'm confused on what I have to do o-o
Fill out the second form that you can find on the front page and if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you rather PM me questions then feel free. I'm working on all your adopts. The amount of adopts is next to your name on front page. Edited at December 4, 2024 11:34 AM by Feiella
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All I know is I'm going to keep trying <3
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Ooh Okay! ^^ Feiella said: Rogue Reindeer said: Wait I'm confused on what I have to do o-o
Fill out the second form that you can find on the front page and if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you rather PM me questions then feel free. I'm working on all your adopts. The amount of adopts is next to your name on front page.

Pack name: How many items used? 6 Which items were used? Rope, Lantern, Collar, Raw Meat, muzzle, crystal Any items found?: Crystal Creature caught: 1 egg, two puppies, two adult canines, one winged feline Anything you would like to change?: Name for creature: (Egg - Gerald (Red and black puppy - Hades (Brown and black puppy - Arrow (Husky - Rustle (Winged Dog - Talia (Winged feline - Sammy - I loved it so much! Great interative experience ^^

Hoping this is still open :) Pack number: 301622 Place you want to go: Dusk Forest Items: Big Bag, Red Box, Collar, Lead, Lantern, Data Pad, Raw Meat Creature you are after: Going for a big cat, but any feline or canine would be awesome Total Price: 75 mush Ready?: Yes!

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Don't worry everyone it is still open. Mum's birthday is tomorrow so I've been birthday shopping and I plan on visiting her tomorrow. I'll continue this tomorrow after the visit to mum. Family comes first. Hope you understand
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Game Moderator Neutral
Raging Flames You walk over and hand the first form to Squirrel the canine who takes one look and then happily jumps on a red button. The floor opens up and you fall through until you hit the ground with a loud "thud". Rubbing your head before grabbing your bag and checking to make sure you still had everything then felt relief when everyone was still in the bag plus your box was close by. There was a cold breeze as the sun was setting and you could hear rustles of movements, twigs breaking on the ground and howls echoing in the distance. There was no sound of any birds. What would you like to do? A) Just stay sitting on the ground B) Get up and start walking Night Shade Refusing to give up and so you kept your focus on the female dog as you thought about what you could do. She wasn't a proud creature like the leopardess so compliments could only go so far but you could still try. The female dog's eyes had a flicker of hope in them before it vanished. Maybe you could ask it questions? Compliment it more? Or try something different for a approach? What will you do? A) Ask a question B) Compliment more C) Put a claimed squirrel on her brother's head D) apple goes up then down as you throw it E) Combine some options (up to you)
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