
A sketch of Cùn's OC, Lumi. My traditional drawing skills are oof Edited at June 20, 2020 11:05 PM by Raewyn

;u; she's absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much, again lmao. You give me too much! I keep telling myself I'll repay you. xD I'm sorry to hear about your tablet ;n; hopefully you'll get a new one soon!

@Cún XD whenever i'm bored I instantly go to your gallery because I know you have such a vast collection of interesting characters lol Still trying to work my way through them lmao I will get there one day >:D
And yeah, I hope so too. Playing WP on my phone s u c k s

Cún's OC Amazon. Quick sketch. Got the anatomy all wrong aha Edited at June 20, 2020 11:04 PM by Raewyn

Holy crap :O
As usual, absolutely stunning. Way better than I could ever draw O.O


Very well done! I'm so happy to see Amazon still in use, loved designing her XD

Another Cùn OC, a beauty named Dangereuse >:D My pen skills seem to be getting better *que most un-unique running pose /ever/* Edited at June 20, 2020 11:03 PM by Raewyn

Damn, These get better and better, sorry I have been invisible for a while haha! ♥

Guess who has gotten access to a drawing tablet again?! :D Featuring Calian, for Dragons Fire <3 Edited at June 20, 2020 11:03 PM by Raewyn