
Gen'ya as Trust?? They aren't stuck-up at all, but definitely intelligent and honest. Extremely humble too

We need someone to even out all the angst, to be honest. Maybe air or earth lol Lost Memories said: I'm still not sure what to do for elemental... I think Nico and Briar bring enough chaos, so water is out. Do we want another sane character for earth, a hot-headed character (probably Bella) for fire, or a more laid-back, nice character for air?

Gen'ya could work! They don't necessarily have to fit every detail of the description! :D - Hmm, okay, I'll probably make an air character. Actually, Micha might work for air, so I might do that, lol Overthink101 said: Gen'ya as Trust?? They aren't stuck-up at all, but definitely intelligent and honest. Extremely humble too

Alrighty, sounds good to me! So I got Revan for Space, Gorōta for Emotional/Healing, Aries for Physical, and Gen'ya for Trust.


Okay, I think all my forms are done except for some theme songs and such. I might also add some picrew pictures later. - We have some options for the start of the RP after we've got affiliations and all that figured out (unless we want to skip that and just jump in which is fine too, lol). Basically, Tio's gonna know everyone's whereabouts no matter what, as he's going to be the one to pull everyone into one group. We could start off with the group already all together and just kind of first introducing each other, or we could have them start separately where they first gain their gifts (aka a random god figure appears outta nowhere says "Hey, I'm blah blah, the holder of blah blah, on of the eight protecting the world. You're chosen as my successor. Enjoy!") and then Horatio shows up at there door later and basically says "Hi, sorry, you gotta come with me so we can properly train and shit, pack up." - What sounds better? (Also, if we want some characters could already know each other from school or something, it's whatever, lmao)

I like the idea of them getting their entire worlds turned upside down. I do wonder, how would Tio get to Aries should he be in The Room(TM) at the start though? Not that I'm going to do that, I just want to know XD As for if anyone already knows each other? Maybe?? Im not sure. I do love the fact that two of my characters technically have jobs that they just going to have to leave behind. Aries and the arena, Rev and his moms whole ass company that he works for.

That sounds good to me! That actually gives me an easier starting point, at least for Tio, lmao. I meannn, I think Aries can just be wherever, Tio's main mode of transportation is literally gonna be previous space holders teleportation so that he can get to everyone easily (that'll happen after Rev gets that first jumpscare of previous space holder just appears, obviously). "Oh, you're just now kind calming down the tiniest bit? Ha! Have another random person show up in your space and drag you with him to gather a group of strangers together by using the power of some other weird person that isn't even visable to you right now!"

The reactions to the previous holders mh characters will basically have- Aries; "Are you a ghost or a god? Either way, I'm pretty sure I need to say sorry." Gorōta; "Eek! Huh? Uh- What?" Gen'ya; "Well, this was uh... Unexpected?" Revan; "Okay but can you please leave? I need to finish these stats for my boss before the meeting, maybe come back after? Or just don't come back at all, that would be preferable as I have a lot of work to do."

I love that XD Mine will be along the lines of- Micha: *Screech of pure terror* "Who are you? Why are you here? What's going on??? Are you a god? Wait, you want to give me powers, I don't think- ARE THESE WINGS??" Nico: "Oh, hey, how'd you get in here? Yo! You're voice is gorgeous! Oooo, I've always wanted to be important! This is cool! When's my ride coming?" Briar: "Holy shit! You look awesome dude, I'm gonna ignore the fact that you just broke into my house. I get cool powers? Nice, nice. Oh, a nerd's coming to pick me up? Hell yeah, I love tormenting nerds! Let's go!" - And you won't see Tio's reactio because it was a year or so ago, but it went something like this- Horatio: "Excuse me, how did you get in here? I changed the locks two days ago. Ah. A superhuman. Interesting, may I ask how you became... Powerful? Surely your anatomy is different? Altered in some way? No? Interesting, one moment, let me grab my notebook."