


So. I have a few questions. -- How did Ryu get Mircea "drenched" in cold water? Valine was protecting him, and hid him underneath herself and her frills. So it is merely impossible to strike Mircea from a distance unless you physically walk up to Valina, pull up her frills, drag Mircea out, and then drench him. So uh. How does that happen as Valine would rip heads off? -- What is even going on? .. I don't seem to even find what provoked this issue to happen, nor do I truly understand why Ryu decided to strike 3 riders while the Group Leaders are right there? -- Also. Should I make a post for Valine, or should I wait for Imperial to make their posts?

@Covidic Ryu attempted to soak them with water. So it didn't actually drench them - more like the attempt was there and whatever was left of it got on him - so he just got a tad bit wet but not fully. But it was still annoying. -- Ryu decided to be annoying and soak Micheal with hot water, douse Hartley with cold water, and attempted to hit Mircea with water. I don't understand his reasoning either but that's why Aeolus and Deidre were pissed off. ---- I would say wait for imp

Man, Roxanne didn't do nothing why'd she get wet. Anyways, stan Aeolus and Deirdre. Also, Imp will mostly likely be on today. Edited at June 3, 2022 07:11 AM by Tenebris Umbra

I realized how tired I was and how many grammatical errors I made in my Aeolus post so I'm just editing that currently. Justice for Roxie, Mircea and Micheal. Aeolus and Deidre being mad >>>>>>

Spell, Ah alright. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Will do ! I'm slightly scared as how Nicodemus is going to react to this... ordeal. :,)

when your on your cycle working an 8 hour shift with only 2 breaks and your too embarrassed to ask anyone if there are pain medication in the cabinents: literal hell ✨ Edited at June 3, 2022 08:10 AM by Covidic

Oh no 🥺. Sending you all the luck and support, I'm fortunate mh workplace has a designated spot for femenine hygiene and pain meds for us 😅 Covidic said: when your on your cycle working an 8 hour shift with only 2 breaks and your too embarrassed to ask anyone if there are pain medication in the cabinents: literal hell ✨

I wish.. I work at a Fast Food place, and we have a little room downstairs full of cabinents. I just got the job a few weeks back, and still don't know every nook and cranny.. so I am too shy and embarrassed. I should have taken some this morning before heading out 😔. Oh well, lesson for next time x3. you up for a job transfer? { aha- im joking, im joking. sorry } Spellbound said: Oh no 🥺. Sending you all the luck and support, I'm fortunate mh workplace has a designated spot for femenine hygiene and pain meds for us 😅 Covidic said: when your on your cycle working an 8 hour shift with only 2 breaks and your too embarrassed to ask anyone if there are pain medication in the cabinents: literal hell ✨