
Okay, genuine question: Are you planning for Amel and Eni to get together before or after they find Blair? Either way is totally fine, it'll just change the start of Agnar's corruption arc slightly.

Probably after.. Maybe before though- It depends on some other factors and all lol Lost Memories said: Okay, genuine question: Are you planning for Amel and Eni to get together before or after they find Blair? Either way is totally fine, it'll just change the start of Agnar's corruption arc slightly.


I can't decide if I want Bella to beat the shit out of Agni and then pour her heart out, just beat the shit outta him, or only kinda beat the shit outta him and then pour her heart out-

Hey, Socrates! I would like to keep doing Whispers Cost if you're still interested (if not, that's fine too!), but I was wondering if you'd be interested in another 1x1? I have a new plot idea.

I'm still interested in Whispers Cost, I've just gotten slightly more busy lmao - I am always interested in your new plots, so of course another 1x1 is welcome!

Great! And no worries about being busier, I get it! :D I'll finish writing the details of the plot and then post a link here. The actual plot is intentionally pretty vague by the way, lol.

- Here's this! The only ones I need for the plot are Time and Manipulation/Judgement, so you can choose your four!

Can I know a slight bit more about the plot before I choose my four? Just so I can better choose in order to choose characters?

Sure! - Okay, so this is set in modern time and it's a bit of a mix between sci-fi and fantasy. As usual, the first part of the RP will mainly be character building and relationship building. Each of the eight has a sort of 'guardian' for the first part of the RP as well, the former hilder of their given power, these will be NPCs and you can choose how you want them to appear for your character (though appearences will be rare and really only to give minor instruction as to how to use a certain power), once all of the characters have developed their powers enough the former holders will step down and allow the new eight to take full control. The setting changes to a futuristic type of tower that is the eights head quarters. There are three main antagonists that will appear shortly after, all from different world within the galaxy, the Space holder will be the first to notice this. Basically, the antagonists all hold the same goals with different reasoning behind their actions, the goal is to destroy/take over earth. The group will have to work together to stop the antagonists, yada yada. At some point one of them will infiltrate the base, there's betrayal of sorts, blah blah. - If you're wanting more specifics on how each character is relevent to the plot: -Space is the one to recognize a threat first and, therefore, the first to react. Part of the RP will take place outside of Earth's atmosphere and Space is the one who allows the group to move effectively against the antagonists who live in different parts of the galaxy and are more skilled in that area. -Truth/Trust will have major part in figuring out the intruder later on and will move against the judgement holder, causing them to be thrown out of the group. They also help turn the tides in discussions a lot because of their power -Elemental and Physical will both play major parts in the fighting scenes as they're the most physically strong. Physical will also be one of the only ones arguing on the side of Judgement holder before they get kicked out. Elemental may or may not be depending on personality. -Sound plays a major part when it comes to one of the particular antagonists, as they'll be seperated from the group for a part of the RP and basically used as bait. They also change some decisions that come up later that I'm not spoiling yet -Healing/Emotional is important because they keep everyone from immediately dying. They're also Sound's emotional support after all the shit goes down. Oh, and they don't actually agree with Judgement getting kicked out, they just don't speak up. - Does that help? Edited at November 12, 2022 07:26 PM by Lost Memories