

And now that that has been made, I can get started on my next post lmao I hope you'll be ready for any progress Karma made to disappear with Eni just ripping Illon a new one XD

Oh, I'm ready, and Karma's reaction could be one of two, depending on just how this goes XD - All of it's gonna be bad though, lmao

Nice, nice- I'll hopefully get my response up tomorrow- I'm going to try and make sure Eni hits as hard as possible ;]

Ah, yes, this will be very fun XD

Two things- - One- Eni be like; "Two things, Illon- One, how dare you hurt Ambrose. Two, how dare you hurt yourself, you useless piece of shit." - Two- Trying to decide if I want to do Eni and Illon separate so that I can better write all of the angst- Only con is that it means you'd have to read through Eni's words twice lmao Edited at September 13, 2022 01:50 PM by Overthink101

One- Yes XD Two- I don't mind reading through it twice, lmao

Decided to do Eni's part first and I just finished it- So Illon, Salen, and Blair still have to be done before I can post- It'll end up being in at least the 1000s words, haha

Oh boy, that's a lotta words, awesome! XD I can't wait

Salen and Eni are done, I'm currently working on Illon. Haha. This is fun.