

Got ever so slightly busy- I did enjoy the short story though! Working on two new plots but if you're still wanting to do these then I'm still up to them, I just gotta get something written up for them lmao - The Eni story is slow coming because I'm trying to decide just what I want to do lol

That's completely fine, I'm just glad you're alive, lmao. You doing okay? I'm happy to continue these if you're up for it! - Sounds good! Take your time! <3

Alright I have Salen and Blair both done now. I just need to do Illon and Eni and then I'll be able to post. This will be extremely fun to write. I'll probably be able to post tomorrow, if not later tonight.


Just Eni to do now, I can't decide if I want them to go and tear into Illon while Karma is in there or if I want to wait until after Karma leaves lmao

Well, Karma being there would be... interesting... and chaotic I'm sure, that could be fun, lmao Whatever you want is great though!

I decided to make it up to your characters. Do they let Eni dig into Illon now or do they stop them and make them wait?

Well, Karma's going to defend Illon no matter what, but the others will probably let them go for now... I mean, Ambrose is too out of it to understand what's even about to happen, soooo XD - I'm working on a reply right now, hopefully, I can get it out later today, and if not tomorrow!

Just clarification, is Esta's power similar to soul where she can slightly alter emotion or no?